Sparking/Surge Shu Kurenai x Mermaid Reader

Start from the beginning

Shu sat up, unable to say anything. So, (Y/N) decided to break the silence,

"So, did you like it? My mate~"

Shu placed a hand over his mouth, looked away and silently nodded. Then it hit him,

"Hey, don't you think your parents might be looking for you? We should hurry back before your dad does something terrible."

This made the female nod as Shu held her hand and ran out of the hotel.

The duo ran all the way to the beach, stopped and panted.

Then the water swirled around and out came a mermaid and a merman. The mermaid had a worried look and the merman was looking really angry. Shu was confused, but (Y/N) wasn't.

She quickly made her way up to the royal looking duo and gave them a hug as they hugged back. This made Shu widen his eyes in surprise.

"Hey mom, hey dad..." (Y/N) nervously smiled as she pulled away from the hug.

The queen smiled in relief as she said,

"Oh (Y/N), my baby, how I was worried about you..."

The king looked over to the boy standing there and asked her,

"Was this boy trying to catch you?! Let me teach him a lesson about what happens when someone touches a mermaid princess!"

He raised his hand to attack him but (Y/N) quickly stood in front of the Shu in a defensive position as she said,

"Dad! No, stop! He didn't do anything like that. Instead he helped me come back to the shore. Don't hurt him."

(Father's name) listen to her first, please..."
The queen also tried to calm down the king.

"Okay, I'm listening..." The king said after giving Shu a last glare which made him flinch a bit.

"Dad. His name is Shu Kurenai. And he is a very nice guy. He saved me from two wicked humans who were trying to capture me. He is the one who helped me get back here. And..."

(Y/N) paused as she held Shu's left arm tightly.

"And?" Her dad asked.

"He's also my mate!" She exclaimed with a bright smile.

"What?!" The king and the queen asked in surprise.

"(Y/N) is it true?"

The queen asked smiling happily as (Y/N) nodded excitedly. Shu was just standing there with a nervous smile on.

The three people looked at the king, waiting for his answer.

"(Y/N)." He called out to his daughter.

"Yes, dad?" She responded tilting her head to her side innocently.

The mermaid king sighed before he began,

"Since, you have chosen a human as your mate, I can't really change your mind. Also, you have my permission to stay on the land with your mate as long as you want to and return according to your wish. But do keep in mind, to stay away from bad humans and come to visit us from time to time, or else I won't hesitate to swallow the entire planet in the ocean. Got it?"

(Y/N) quickly nodded as she ran to gave her father a big and warm hug. As she turned to do the same with her mother, the king then turned his attention towards Shu.

"I don't really like humans but since my daughter not only likes you and loves you, you better take good care of her."

He extended his hand towards Shu, who shook it gladly as he said,

"I will, your majesty. I won't disappoint either you or her. I will always protect her. I love her, dearly too."

The king nodded as he and the queen moved away from Shu and (Y/N), saying goodbye.

"Goodbye my baby (Y/N). Make sure you come to visit us too." The queen said as her daughter nodded.

"And we would like to play with our grandchildren as well." The king winked as the queen giggled and they both went back in the ocean.

On the other hand, Shu and (Y/N) just stood on the shore with bright red faces. (Y/N) let go of Shu's arm and held her head down as she said,

"I'm parents.....That was so...embarassing..."

Shu smiled reassuringly as he said,

"Don't worry about it." This made the princess smile.



"Thank you for saving me today. I promise that I'll stay by your side forever."

And the mermaid girl quickly wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a sweet and passionate kiss.

This time Shu was prepared, he too wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her back. Pulling away, he said softly,

"I promise to be always there for you too. After all, I love you (Y/N)."

"Me too. I love you too Shu." She smiled, letting their foreheads touch.

And as always, it was a happy ending...

Shu's friends too came to know about (Y/N)'s mermaid secret but they promised to keep it a secret as well.
Done! Sorry if I made y'all wait too long. And sorry if you didn't like it. 😞 But feel free to request again. 🙂
Anyways vote, comment, share and maybe.... follow me too? All the characters belong to Hiro Morita, only the story plot is mine.
Stay safe and have a nice day/noon/evening/night.
Sayonara, bug out.

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