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"A pleasure to meet you, grandpa Talbot." Tsuna greeted, hugging the probably more than 400 years old old man.

"So you're the Decimo candidate? You sure is charming." Returning the hug, the old man laughs. "And you are loved by the world don't you?"

Tsuna sweatdrops, "I wonder if the wording love is correct.." He sighs to himself. "Anyway, I have something I want you to make, if you can?"

"Of course of course, tell me what you need."

Tsuna give a smile, "So..."




Tsuna glanced at the sky, "All of the elements are drawing in." He trails off, "Is it soon?"

"What is soon?"

Reborn who was waiting for Tsuna to come home asked him as he saw Tsuna infront of the house.

"The time of my premonition dream."

"The one that has that Sei?"

Tsuna nodded, "Yes." He then carries Reborn and enters the house. "Soon, it all will end."


"Just a feeling of that."


Kawahira stares at the peaceful sky, "It's soon." He told to the woman beside him.

The woman gave a small smile, "with this no more humans need to suffer anymore.." She whispers out.

"Yes, thank you, Sei." Kawahira then stood up, "We should send out the invitation then."

Sei nodded.

Closing her eyes as slowly her body glows, Kawahira held her hand and closed his eyes too.

Soon the two were in a dark place, opening their eyes, they were greeted by a curious voice.

"Kawahira-san and.. might you be, Sei-san?" It's Tsuna.

"Tsunayoshi-kun." Kawahira greeted back, "and yes, this is, Sei."

Sei gave a polite, light bow, "I'm named Sei, a pleasure to meet you, Tsunayoshi-san."

Tsuna return the smile, "The pleasure is all mine. You are a very beautiful person, Sei-san." He told. "Is this, a dream?"

"Correct, this is the dream world." Kawahira told as he look around, where the room starts lighting up. "I've come with an invitation." He announced as all arcobalenos were seen.





"Calm down." Came Tsuna's voice, silencing the confused crowd. "You're inside a dream," He started as he watch everyone stares to him, "Listen closely to what Kawahira-san needs to say."

Everyone nodded as Tsuna turns to Kawahira and told him to continue. "Thank you for the help, Tsunayoshi-kun." Receiving a smile from Tsuna, Kawahira turns to the arcobalenos. "As I've stated, I've come to invite you all."

"Who are you?"

"Oh right, you might recognises me more with.." Kawahira covers his face as a checkered mask shows, "this."



"Now, I know you hate me so much for cursing you into infants, but don't worry. The end is near." Kawahira told as Sei and Tsuna smiles.

"Does that mean..?"

This time Tsuna answers, "I've already made the preparation to break the curse. It should be finished soon." He told. "Perhaps in time before your invitation?" He questions to Kawahira.

"Perhaps." Kawahira lightly chuckles, "Your hyper intuition is frightening as expected."

"I'll take it as a compliment."

"So, what invitation is it?"

"Ah yes," Kawahira returns to the main topic, "Well you can say it's an invitation to break your curse."

Before the arcobalenos can ask about the ceremony, "I'll see you soon then." Kawahira bows as the arcobalenos disappears.

"Kawahira-san.." Tsuna then called out as he was the only one remaining there, with the other two.


"The Tri-Ni-Sette.." Tsuna looks at the said artifacts, "If it's handed to Sei-san, won't she be the one suffering?"

Kawahira and Sei looks surprised at the sentence. "Do not worry, Tsunayoshi-san. Unlike you, I do not have a proper soul. My being is created from a negative power that is equal with the Tri-Ni-Sette, and I am created with a purpose to bear them."

"But then, in the first place.. Why does it have to be distributed to us?"

Sei thought for a while, "It's a bit complicated but, my first purpose of being created and my purpose right now is a little bit different."

Tsuna tilts his head in confusion.

Sei giggles, "My first purpose of being created was to control the Tri-Ni-Sette, and dominate the world."

Tsuna gasps, "What? That's-"

"Yes, I almost destroyed a world because of my creator's greediness." Sei looks solemnly at the ground, "however, thanks to your parallel self, I managed to be sent to when Sephira and Kawahira still have their power, and they sealed me and changed the purpose of my existence." She explained.

"My body held negative power, and the tri-ni-sette held positive power. Negative plus positive will results in neutrality."

Sei then stares into Tsuna's eyes, "But, it takes time for my purpose to change, and I can't forcefully take the Tri-Ni-Sette which is hold by three different people. Because although the three are similiar, they're different." She explains.

"That's why.."

Kawahira joins in, "Yes, in this world, the Tri-Ni-Sette are drawn into you. It is something that happens rarely, however, allowed us to take this route."

Tsuna gave a smile, "I see. I'm glad then."

"Thank you for all of your hard work for the past years. Now rest assure, since we won't let you suffer anymore."

The place darken as their communication from the dream world was cutted.

Tsuna's eye lets out a tear, before his brown eyes opens tiredly. "...thank you.."


30 October 2021

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