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"Mom, how are you feeling today?" The brunette woman at the bed glanced weakly to her son.

Giving a soft smile, "I'm doing good, Tsu-kun." She replies softly. "Are you going to school now?"

Tsuna nodded, "Yes, I've already prepared breakfast and lunch, I'll leave them at the usual place." He told.

"Thank you, Tsu-kun. Take care."

Tsuna gave a soft smile, giving a soft kiss on his mother's cheek, "I'll be going now then, take care too mom." Pulling himself back and prepares to leave, "Don't forget to let me know if anything happens."

"I will, see you."

Nana Sawada, diagnosed to have Multiple Sclerosis. It was a side effect from the car accident, where she received a traumatic brain injury. She still can do some activities, but it is limited.

The symptoms she have that are hindering her in doing housewife jobs are; blurry visions, difficulty in walking time to time, sometimes tremor, and fatigue.

Those led Tsuna to do most of the house chores and all.

Of course, they've tried to tell Iemitsu, however, Iemitsu just brushed it off by saying he can't come home and all since he's super busy.

As Tsuna's around age 7, he wished Nana would divorce Iemitsu. But Nana just can't since she still loves him.

But well, if Nana divorced Iemitsu, they wouldn't be able to live comfortably, nor can Tsuna go to school. So at least he's still useful.

But again, finding out how his father is actually in the underworld is bad news. Assassins from over the world coming after him and Nana.

How Tsuna wish he can give a punch to his father.

He found out about Iemitsu being in the underworld when he was attacked by an assassin. Luckily, he had the hyperthymesia, and so using, copying the assassin's moves he defeated him himself.

It was when he's 8 years old.

The assassin was caught off guard, however he values his life over anything, and so he surrendered. Also his mission was to get information anyway, not risking his life--.

In exchange of his release, Tsuna asks him to teach him self defense. Agreeing, Tsuna acquired the self defense skills.

The two never crosses path anymore afterward.

Tsuna on the other hand catchs a certain cloud's eyes. Though it's also the other way out, Tsuna always observes his movement whenever he bites people to death.

It's another plus for his fighting skills. (Of course they spar too, why wouldn't Hibari fight a strong carnivore pssh)

At 9 years old, Tsuna met Irie Shouichi. An interesting, one or two years older than him.

It's more of Tsuna seeing Irie doing something on his laptop and then learns that it's something called hacking.

Becoming friends, Tsuna learns to hack, also now that he thinks of, Irie is awfully familiar.. He probably seen him from his dreams..?-- and he got more information regarding the underworld and his father.

And so, he starts to install traps and cctv around his house. He won't let anyone touch his only family.

(He got money from minor hacking jobs, he needed pocket money too anyway.)




Eyes narrowing towards a tree, as he sense a presence. However, unlike the other assassins, this one has no malice.

Deeming it's safe, he opens his phone, opening an app, where he can see the full view of his house. A cctv.

He is the only one who can keep his mother safe after all. By any means, he will protect his only family.

Huffing lightly as he put half of his concetration to the road, and the other half to the phone.

Ignoring the other students who were bickering and mocking him, he continue to walk to his school and classroom.

Looking at his phone again, he found a baby in a suit, wearing a fedora, putting a flyer inside his postbox.

He lightly tilt his head, catching a glimpse of yellow pacifier. His eyes widen a bit, 'That's.. similiar to mine..' He thought silently. 'Wait.. he's..' Remembering his dreams in where he dies, he sighs and shook his head. Preferring to not remember them.

Deeming the baby in suit isn't trying to break in or anything, he closed his phone. 'He was the cause of most of my deaths isn't he...' He shook his head. 'I wonder what flyer was that..'


Tilting his head to the side, 'Certainly he's observing me. If it's like how my dreams are.. He's here for...' Opening the postbox to read the flyer earlier, he unlocks his house's door and enters.

"I'm home." He mumble out.

Putting aside all of his things, the first thing he need to do is greet his mother. Going to Nana's room, "I'm home mom." He greeted.

Nana was sitting on her bed, "Welcome back, Tsu-kun!" She gave a smile.

Nodding promptly, Tsuna glanced at the empty trays. "I'll go prepare dinner and then we can go on our daily walk." Tsuna announces. Daily walk is one of Nana's treatments.

Nana nodded, "Alright. I'll go get ready now."

"Call me if you need a hand." Tsuna told, leaving the room and went back to the front door, where he left his things earlier.

Going to his room to change his clothes and also his school stuff, he went back to the kitchen and made dinner.

During the interval, he remembered the flyer and read it. "A home tutor?" He wonder out, "..I don't need one,," He mumble out, throwing it to the trash can.

Not long, Nana came to the dining room, completely ready for her daily walk.

Smiling, Tsuna also finished up. "Alright, let's go." With that the two went out to have a round around the neighbour.

"How was your day today, Tsu-kun? How was school?" Nana decided to ask.

Holding his mother's hand to ensure she's safe, he hums, "It was like usual."

"Really? Nothing happens?"

"Mmhm, we just listen to teachers as usual."

Nana giggles, "I'm glad then."

Tsuna returns the smile, "How was breakfast and lunch? Do you have anything else you prefers to eat mom?"

Nana thinks for a while, "Every food you make are delicious, I'm not a picky eater." She then replies.

"I'm glad then! Let me know if you're craving for something~"


23 October 2021

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