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As something, or rather someone teleported to his back, Tsuna moved his head a bit to the side, evading the incoming attack, although it fails as he still manage to injured his cheeks.

"You dodge well. The rumoured Hyper Intuition is it?" He could hear someone say behind him, as he turns around, the person teleported again, "But you're one tempo late."

Before he could react, he felt an impact on his face, breaking his jaw maybe, throwing him to the air, and the person teleported infront of him, "And for the finishing blow-" He felt his bones crushed from the punch he received, hitting the ground-

Tsuna coughed out harshly, body quivering feeling pain from the bones crushing on the dream, curling as he gasp out.

Choking from his own saliva, he cried out, hugging himself. "Ithurtsithurtsithurtsithurts-"

Since Reborn was out to check on Tsuna's guardians' tutor, no one was there to ease him up nor help him recover.

He's alone.

Sobbing by himself under the blanket, he continues to mumble out how it hurts. Biting his lip to stop himself mumbling it, he cut his own lip from the pressure of his teeth.

Eventually he passes out again, falling back to sleep where he knew he'll gain another knowledge from the other world.

His eyes were puffy red from all of the crying. He can feel his eyes stinging, and his whole body still hurts so much. Looking at his reflection at the mirror, he mumble out to himself, "How do I hide this.."

He then also found that his lips were also bruised. He frowned and sighs, "My friends aside, mom and Iemitsu would most likely misunderstood..-" He halted, "Well I guess I should use that misunderstanding as a benefit..?"

Shrugging as he decided to do that, he went to do his morning routine.

"I wonder if Varia will come today?"




Making sure the Vongola rings' container is inside his bag, along with the half rings still complete, he then open the door and guessed Yamamoto and Gokudera are skipping school for their trainings.

Though again, Tsuna didn't plan on having any fight with Varia unless necessary. He have his cheats to thank since he get to evade fights.

Speaking of cheats, from the dream today.. The knowledge he got is a really.. important.

His head snaps to the side where he felt a flame. Looking at an infant with a red pacifier, "Oh." Tsuna voiced out, "Hello." He greeted promptly.

The infant gave a smile as he bows down, "Greetings." He politely replies back, "Your aura is much stronger than I thought." He then told.

Tsuna tilts his head, "Err, thank you?" He confusedly replies back. "So, I take it Reborn has informed to the others that.."


Tsuna gave a smile, "It's a pleasure to meet you then, Fon."

"The pleasure's all mine." Fon then settles himself on Tsuna's head. "However, may I ask what's distressing you to cause you have a bruised lip and eyes?"

Tsuna who carries on and starts walking toward school sheepishly laugh, "It's just because of a nighmare. I think I unconsciously bit my lip to not scream." He replies.

"Why don't you go get yourself treated at the hospital where that bucking horse is then? There's also Reborn and Colonello there." Fon then offers.

Remembering the said hospital, "Sure." Since the way is also the same, it won't hurt to take a short detour. He can also asks on how his guardians' trainings are.

Speaking of training, Tsuna's training isn't as strict as his guardians because again, Tsuna had a cheat, experiments of fighting and also well, dying in other worlds, and also the experience of self-defense during the time since he was little. Thus Reborn deemed he is already strong enough to defeat Xanxus. Perhaps.

"Reborn." Tsuna greets as he saw him talking to Dino and also Colonello, the Rain Arcobaleno with Ryohei.

"Extremely good morning, Sawada!!" Ryohei greeted.

"Morning, Sasagawa-senpai." Tsuna replies back with a smile.

Reborn who saw Tsuna's state frowns a bit, "Did you see another death?"

Tsuna laughs it off, "I guess I did."

Fon jumps down from Tsuna's head and went beside Colonello, "So this is.." Colonello trails off as he observes Tsuna. "He is a strong sky, kora."

Tsuna gave a smile, "Nice to meet you, I'm Tsunayoshi Sawada." He introduces himself.

"I'm Colonello kora! Nice to meet you too."

"So, how's the trainings?"

Dino flinched receiving a look from Reborn, "Fine fine, I'll go back to Kyoya." He quickly ran off.

Colonello huffs, "Ryohei is okay for now, but he still have a lot of places to improve kora."

"I'll be in your extreme care, Master Colonello!!" Ryohei shouted.

"Alright! Let's go back to the hill, kora!!" And with that the two ran to the said hill.

Tsuna hums before turning to Reborn, "Speaking of which, I have a favor to ask." Fon who was left behind also listened.

"I need you to search for someone."

"And that is?"

"Grandfather Talbot. He's supposed to be Vongola's metal craftman." He paused if he should tell something more specific, but decided not to.

"For what do you need him?"

"I need Grandfather Talbot to create something for me." Tsuna told. "The faster the better.. I think something will happen soon." He whisper out, glancing out to the sky.


Tsuna gave a smile, "Thank you." He then saw the clock and decided it's time for him to leave. "Oh right, I thought I should say this to you beforehand too, Reborn."

"What is it?"

"I don't have any intention to fight against Varia, unless it's really really needed."

The two infants shot a look, what does Tsuna have in mind?


29 October 2021

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