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While Nana and Lambo and Ipin were out, Tsuna decided to ask about the mafia.

"What is it, Tsuna?"

They are at the kitchen, where Yamamoto, Gokudera, Fuuta and Reborn sat at the dining table.

Tsuna, while checking out the ingredients didn't spare a glance to Reborn and focuses his hands and eyes to cooking. "Do you know Fuuta?"

"Of course, Fuuta de la Stella. Ranking Fuuta." Reborn sips his espresso which he got a bit earlier. "His ranking book is the reason why he's being chased around."

Fuuta hugs his knee.

Placing a glass of milk infront of Fuuta in hope he'll relax, "I see. Don't worry, you'll be safe as long as you're here." Tsuna reassures with a smile.

"T-Thank you, Tsuna-nii." Fuuta replies, eyes glistening.

"Don't worry, mom will be happy we have another person in the house." Tsuna pats Fuuta head before going back to cooking.

"Speaking of which, Tsuna." Tsuna hums, "What do you have on your wardrobe?"

Tsuna halted, "wardrobe..?" He thought for a while, "ah, the way to the basement?" He tilted his head a bit. "Do you want to go there?"

"You have a basement?"

"Err, yeah," Tsuna sheepishly grinned, "I haven't been there in forever either too though."

"What do you keep there, Tenth?"

Tsuna hums, "It's more of like a control room,, I used to be there when I'm still small where I can't fend off kidnappers with my small body." He explained briefly, "So I depended on the house's traps."

"Oohh wow! Can we go see it too?"

"Sure sure. Just don't touch any of the buttons or who knows what will happen." Tsuna chuckles as he finished up the preparation. "Alright, let's go."

With that the four trails behind Tsuna to his room and to the wardrobe.

Walking to the wardrobe's side, Tsuna pressed a button as the wardrobe split into two and a staircase was shown.

"Did you made this by yourself?" Yamamoto mused as he looks around.

"No, I got the help of Sho-kun." Tsuna told, "He taught me a lot of stuffs, if it wasn't for Sho-kun I might not survive.." He trails off.

Reborn who comfortably sat on Tsuna's head hums, "I guess he's the one to teach you hacking too?"

Tsuna nodded, "Sho-kun's a genius in mechanics and hacking." As the two finally finished going downstairs, they were met with a door. "Well, welcome to the basement I guess?" Tsuna pushed the door and it shows a room with many monitors and also buttons.

It's really like a control room.

That was also when Reborn's pacifier starts glowing with another light emitting from one of the drawers.

"So shiny..-"

Reborn hops down from Tsuna's head and went to the drawer, opening it to reveal a shining orange pacifier. Holding it in his hands, Reborn's unreadable face became more unreadable.

"...Tsuna, you're the sky arcobaleno?" Reborn's voice was in disbelief.

Tsuna paused, "It seems so..?" He replies with uncertaincity.

"Why didn't you say about it?"

"Because I do not know what an arcobaleno is?" Tsuna told. "I've just recently became aware of it.." He trails off.


Tsuna flinched, he dug his own grave. Now he had to explain about his dreams.. visions doesn't he?

Biting his own lip as he look down on his feet, "...how can I explain.." He mumble out to himself, inwardly panicking. "...I uhm,"


"Tsuna, relax."

Reborn just gave a look, "Tsuna,"

"Wait," Tsuna held his hands up, "I.. I'm trying to form the sentence." He shakily told.

"You're panicking, Tsuna-nii." Fuuta told.

"Should we head back up and grab a glass of water?" Yamamoto then offered.

"That's right, Tenth! Please relax with a glass of water first!"

With that the two ushers Tsuna to go back up, and to drink a glass of water to refresh himself.

Reborn heaved a sigh, 'At least his family members are paying attention to him well.' He glanced at the pacifier on his hand and to the drawer again. His eyes then catches another item inside the drawer.

Mare ring.

He clicked his tongue, "Tsuna needs to explain himself."




Being led to the chair and given a glass of water, Tsuna stares blankly at the table.

In the table now was placed the pacifier and the mare ring.

Reborn in the table, staring to Tsuna. "So?"

Tsuna inhales and exhales, "...I received those when I was five, I think?" He started, "I was told to keep it safe so I've always hidden them, although I don't know what those items were."

"Who gave it to you?"

"Uh, a white haired man, wearing green colored yukata.." He then remembered his aliases he heard from his dreams, "Someone named Kawahira.."

Reborn's expression changed. "Who?"

"Okay wait, okay?" Tsuna stops, wondering how he should explain about[his]deaths. "Will you believe me if.." He stops himself, afraid of rejection.

Noticing the distress, Yamamoto gave a reassuring pat, "Tsuna, we're here to listen."

"That's right, Tenth. Do not worry, we will trust you."

Tsuna hessitantly nodded, "Alright." He shakily told. Closing his eyes to take a deep breath and letting it out as he open his eyes again, he stares into Reborn's onyx eyes.

"I can see[my]own's deaths."


27 October 2021

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