Chapter 25: Fallible

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, I doubt I'm gonna be getting any more sleep tonight so I might as well get some fresh air. I was also planning on seeing how Nesosa's doing since we're only a few hours away from Kilead," she says.

Lavern grabs the door and holds it open. "I was also planning to head up to check on her," he says.

They share a smirk once she reaches his side at the door and they nod to each other.

"Support squad?" Naomi says.

Lavern nods. "Support squad."

As they make it up to the deck, they are slightly thrown off-balance from the crashing waves violently rocking the ship. Naomi loses all doubts about Nesosa getting seasick once she sees the valiant centaur warrior throw up over the side of the ship.

Naomi and Lavern make their way over to her and Naomi pauses as she watches Lavern step towards her and reaches up to pat her on the back. She very briefly considers warning him.

Very briefly.

One moment Lavern's hand is on Nesosa's back, and the next he's on the ground and his face hurts. He hears Naomi's laughter and instantly starts to regret his apology.

Nesosa tries to loosen up once she sees it's just them, but her face looks pale from more than just her nausea. She hasn't slept since they left for Whiteridge, and now that they're on a Kilead ship, she'd be lucky to get a moment to even stand still.

Lavern grunts and holds his face. "I'm so glad Nisha was able to fix your arm..." he grumbles and takes Naomi's hand when she offers it. He gets up and they both look up at Nesosa. "How you holdin' up?" the Adaliaen asks.

Nesosa scoffs and shakes her head. "Och a'm wonderful if ye couldnae tell by mah celebratory spew just now," she spats and glares at him.

Naomi nods. "Hey, maybe you'll get lucky and the ship will hit a rock and sink or something," she says with a smile. Nesosa laughs and rolls her eyes.

"Ye think we haven't hit about a half dozen awready? Kilead ships are made fur... rather 'rough' treatment," she says and looks towards the wheel of the ship to see the centaur sailor downing his sixth bottle of ale and laughing hysterically as he steers the ship over the rocks and waves and getting thrown off his hooves at the violent rocking.

Naomi and Lavern look at him as well before returning their concerned attention to their own batshit crazy centaur. "How the fuck are we not dead?" Naomi asks.

"Because he's Kilead's best sailor," Nesosa deadpans.

Lavern nods. "So we're fucked. Cool," he clears his throat.

Nesosa shakes her head and turns away from them to stare at the dark intemperate water. "Tis best ye keep yer distance from me once we get there. As a 'traitor' ah will be subjected tae havin everybody 'n' their mothers want mah head on a pike. Ah doubt ye will want tae receive th' same treatment, bein' th' namby-pambies that ye are," she says with a huff, her hooves fidget anxiously and her tail flicks similar to how Nisha's does when she's upset.

"Not a chance, you dumb fuck," Naomi leans over on the wooden rail next to Nesosa and grins widely.

"What?" Nesosa glares at her, then turns her head to her other side as Lavern mimics Naomi and leans over beside the centaur.

"Come on, we're a team! If you get fucked, then we'll get fucked together!" he declares and holds his fist over his heart with a proud smile.

"We're goin tae have an orgy?" Nesosa tilts her head.

Naomi glares at Lavern. "Dude, we're underage."

Lavern looks down. "Oh yeah."

Naomi sighs and shakes her head with a grin. She reaches up and places her hand on Nesosa's shoulder. "No, we're not talking about an orgy. We mean that we've already been through so much shit together, so why stop now? A little decapitation never hurt anyone," she says.

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