Luca cleared his throat, "I asked you if you wanted a drink." He repeated himself and pointed towards the built in seat cooler.

I widened my eyes, realizing what he said. "Oh..I'm sure, can I just get a water." I said softly and Luca immediately tossed the water bottle at me.

I put my hands up and caught the bottle. The slippery sides made my hands almost drop the water bottle. I adjusted my grip and twisted the cap open before gulping down the frigid water. My face scrunched up as a brain freeze caused pain to shoot through my head.

I groaned and rubbed my head softly. I heard Lorenzo laughing and I glared at him jokingly. "Not funny! It hurts." I whined and soon the brain freeze had gone away.

I sighed in relief and slumped back into the comfortable seat. "How long until we get there?" I asked since I knew that there was no city in sight for miles.

Matteo picked up his phone and checked. "Hm it says 35 minutes. So not that long." He answered my question and put his phone away.

I nodded and pulled out my phone for listen to some music. One of my birthday gifts was AirPods and I was very grateful for them since I loved music. I took them out of the maroon case and placed them in my ears so I could listen to some music while on the ride.

I put Spotify on and pressed my playlist that consisted of my favorite songs so far. A smile formed on my face as I closed my eyes and listened to my music play in my ears.


The limo came to a stop and I looked out the window to see that we were parked on the side of the road by many other buildings. Cars were filling the city streets and I looked at my brothers. "Do we get out here?" I asked confused on why we were parked randomly.

Matteo nodded his head, "yes this is where most of the well known shops are. You can buy some clothes or souvenirs here." He hummed, answering my question.

Suddenly the driver stepped out of the car and opened our door for us. I smiled and stepped out if the limousine and my eyes looked over the area. The buildings were tall, shimmering in the bright sun that lit up the area well.

My eyes twinkled as I looked at all the stores that were in the area. Matteo grabbed my hand and led is towards a large mall that was down the street. I put my phone in my pocket and followed after him.

When we arrived at the mall I looked up at the sign, Luxury Row, so I guess Matteo decided to go shopping at an expensive mall.

I giggled and walked inside, people at the front doors greeting us with welcoming smiles.

As I walked around the mall I looked at all the shops, trying to decide which one to go to. Lorenzo decided to bring us into Gucci and I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Why gucci~" I whined and crossed my arms as I walked inside of the store. One of the workers came up to us with a big smile. "How can I help you guys today?" She said getting closer to Matteo.

I scrunched my nose up and glared at her. We don't need any help so run along~" I replied grumpily and waved my hand motion her to go away.

Dante looked at me and started laughing. "Woah okay little viscous girl." He joked and I stuck my tongue out at him.

I decided to walk around and look over every item. A little bag caught my eye and I bit my lower lip, scanning over it. I really wanted to get it but then I checked the price tag and I gulped turning away from it not noticing that Matteo was watching me.

I headed back over to my brothers and smiled. "Let's go, I wanna go look at some clothes." I hummed and walked out of Gucci.

Dante had bought some Gucci sunglasses and Lorenzo had bought a Gucci wallet. I skipped towards a clothing store and walked inside excitedly. My brothers followed behind me, watching me get excited over everything.

While I was looking at different clothes that were way out of my style, Matteo had informed me he was going to go somewhere real quick. I nodded my head and continued shopping.


After about two hours in the mall Matteo told me we were gonna go walk around the city and look at some attractions by the shore.

We headed towards our limo and we put all our bags away in the trunk so we could leave. I got in the car and took a seat by the window.

Soon my brothers got in and I smiled. "So Matteo what are we doing next?" I asked softly.

"Oh I booked us a boat attraction and you could see the dolphins and turtles. It looked cool." He stated and my eyes widened.

"Really!? Oh my gosh I'm so excited!" I gasped out and grinned from ear to ear.


It was about 10 minutes away from the shore and when we arrived I jumped out of the car. The boat was honking its horn to signal it was leaving soon. I gasped and pulled my brothers to the dock so we could board the boat.

Matteo pulled out his phone and showed our tickets he had bought and then the guy let us through. I smiled and skipped to the front of the boat so I could see everything.

The water was very clear, the sun glistening onto the waves. I could see many sea animals and I watched them with amazement.

I couldn't wait to the see the dolphins, they were like one of my favorite animals.

Luca walked up to me and grinned. "Do you like it?" He asked and I immediately nodded my head.

"It's already amazing, thank you guys." I said happily and I went back to looking at the water.

I heard my brothers fooling around on the boat and I chuckled, looking at them from the corner of my eye. They were playing some music and taking pics of the ocean.

I closed my eyes, feeling the breeze of the salty water misting onto my face. The wind blew through my hair causing me to shiver slightly. I cleared my throat and pulled out my phone to take some pictures.

Suddenly dolphins started to jump out of the water, splashing water at each other. I started to take a video and a few pictures, watching them jump out of the water together.

"Guys look! Dolphins!" I shouted out and my brothers ran over to look. I giggled and looked at them.


After we were finished with the boat ride we decided to take a group picture by the ocean and go home.

This was like one of the best days I've ever had.

1696 words

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