"Don't worry, I'm just pulling your leg a little. For fun." He winked and I rolled my eyes.

I stared at him and then gave him a sigh. Nodding, I asked, "Do you think....everything will be alright? This year is my last chance. It's probably my only chance."

Diego stood up and approached me. He kept a steady hand on my shoulder and I inhaled deeply. "Yeah, Lila. I think everything will work out just fine."


I closed the door behind me, the wisps of sunset light mixing with moonlight.

Locking it properly, I assured myself and then walked down the walkway of my house to the gates.

I wondered if I'd get a letter today. It was due time.

Now if only I could peacefully.....


Fuck the peace, embrace the violence, Lila.

I didn't respond to him but I sighed to myself as I closed the gate and started on my way down the street.

It didn't take Derek long to reach me. "Ease up, Kitkat."

"Tense up, Derek."

The copper-eyed guy chuckled, the tattoo on his arm and neck flexing as he put his hands in his pockets. I cursed the street lamp that had to light up at that moment and then flicker out of existence so I could have a clear picture of hot tattooed biceps playing in my mind now.

"Where are you headed?"


"Can I join?"

"You're my ride there."L

"I'm honored you think our joining and you riding me will take you on a trip to hell–"

I glared at Derek as he twisted up my words in a very skillful show of talent but that's besides the point.

He simply grinned and showed his dimple, blue-black hair falling over his forehead in attractive bangs.

"Why do melons have weddings, Kitkat?" He mused.

And I released a breath wondering why he hadn't stopped pestering me. And if this turned out to be a lame dad joke–which I knew it would–then he was dead meat.

"Guess?" He elbowed me and I bit my tongue to keep from lashing out.

"Because they're melons." I can't believe I indulged him.

"Nope." He poked me in the cheek and I glowered at him so he sighed fornlornly. "Fine, I'll answer."

He smirked and his dimple winked at me temptingly, "Because they cantaloupe."

I stopped and closed my eyes before turning to face him.

He shot me a devious look, copper eyes reflecting like it's metal name. He explained further because....
Because, it would obviously get on my nerves.

"Get it?"

"Yes." I started walking again and he kept pace, obviously not deterred in the slightest.

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