Pt. 68

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Y/n: *you both are walking hand in hand to school* So Peter you ready for the move tomorrow

Peter: yep I'm pretty excited, but also nervous... not for the move but for Aunt May she's like my mom so it'll be weird without her there

Y/n: hay don't worry you can see her whenever you want

Peter: I know, but hay at least now we get to spend even more time together

Y/n: True, plus I think my dad put our rooms next to each other

Peter: really

Y/n: yep so we'll be neighbors *just then as your crossing the street to school a car almost hits you both* the hell!!

Flash: sup pen!s Parker, hay cutie

Peter: I thought you were suspended

Flash: oh I am I'm just here to worn you that when I get back I will make sure you both regret it, especially you hot stuff you know you can always change your mind

Y/n: tough luck Flash cause that's never going to happen and I'd like to see you or Liz try to mess with us *you turn and take peters hand and head into school*

SpiderWomen (Book 1)(Peter Parker x reader)Where stories live. Discover now