Pt. 6

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Peter: Y/n!! *he runs over to where you fell and just before he jumps to save you he notices you clinging to the wall with your powers* wo...

Y/n: oops haha that was a close one *you climb back up to the roof and see Peter take off his mask* I knew it!

Peter: your like me... and you get the same feeling with your senses to

Y/n: Yes! And I can't believe it's you! Like this is insane!

Peter: wow h-how?

Y/n: I was on this school trip and something happened while I was in the bathroom and I went to go investigate and saw there was an explosion so I started to help some kids that were hurt and...

Peter: that was you!?!

Y/n: what? Omg no way that makes so much sense now!!

Peter: and while I was helping a strange blue and red spider came out of no where and bit me.

Y/n: That's what happened to me to! Except mine was black and white!! I just can't believe it this is amazing!! *you didn't realize how close you two had gotten to each other and could feel each other's breaths*

Peter: I-um so you have the same powers as me... hay I know I can take you to these friends of mine and they can make you a suit like mine and I can show you how to swing and fight!

Y/n: really!! That would be awesome!! But I can't go tonight I need to go bed but how about tomorrow after school? *you remember ms. Pims words but don't care as this was way to important*

Peter: ya sure of course, wow this is amazing! We have so much to talk about but I'll let you go cause I know you said you have strict parents..

*you both say goodbye and Peter swings off and your so excited that you didn't even realize Ms. Pim right outside your room when you sneak back in*

Ms. Pim: WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING!!!! *she runs up to you and drags you to the main plaza of the building and shoves you on the floor* I told you there would be only one warning *two workers come and grab you and pull you up*

Y/n: I-I'm sorry please let me explain...*Ms.pim slaps you across the face*

Ms. Pim: I've heard enough from you I knew you would be trouble from the start yet I let you come here! Put her in the isolation room and no school or food for the rest of the week, and make sure she learns her lesson this time.

SpiderWomen (Book 1)(Peter Parker x reader)Where stories live. Discover now