Pt. 28

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*you take off and see it's a few miles outside the city*

Peter: wooo omg be careful

Y/n: calm down we're fine *you speed down the highway*

Peter: Um so how did you learn to drive like this

Y/n: let's just say I had an ex who was a drag racer and he taught me

Peter: Ex?!

Y/n: ya I don't like to talk about him... but I will when this is over, promise

Peter: no it's fine, look out *you swerve and speed off* how have we not been pulled over yet?

Jarvis: The police are aware of you and shouldn't bother you

Y/n: sweet *you keep going and eventually make it to a dirt driveway and pull over,you get out and the car goes int a camouflage mode* cool *you put on your masks and swing to the building* ok so we have the element of surprise here so I think we can sneak in through that window

Peter: let's go *you both sneak in and knock out some guards, there is a hallway that splits off in two ways* um ok let me think

Y/n: Peter we need to split up

Peter: no way I'm supposed to be protecting you

Y/n: it's ok we'll be able to talk on coms, I'll be ok

Peter: ok *he puts his hand on your face* be careful

Y/n: aren't I always

SpiderWomen (Book 1)(Peter Parker x reader)Where stories live. Discover now