Pt. 30

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Y/n: alright I'll go look for him and spidy you make sure you guys get out of here

Peter: absolutely not

Steve: he's right it's to dangerous, I mean look at what happened to us we will come back for him

Y/n: Fine now back up *you turn to a wall and place an expensive. It goes off and a hole opens to the outside and everyone exits except you*

Peter: come on there going to come soon

Y/n: I'm sorry *you shot a web at the wall and seal it off* I can't leave him, especially when I know what he's feeling *you run off down the hall*

Peter: No!!

Y/n:*you hear Peters screams but as much as it hurt you knew you had to keep going. You keep running following the directions you found in the security room you hear guards running your direction so you slip down a hallway nearby and see a staircase that leads down to a door. You suddenly recognize it and head down the stairs but before you do someone comes behind you so you jump on the ceiling and as they enter the room you slip in behind them and hide behind a beam on the ceiling. There a 5 guards and a scientist that just came in, you also spot Rumlow. You dad is shackled to the wall stillin his suit but his helmet is on a table, there is some wires connected to his suit*

Rumlow: well Tony, it seems you friends escaped, we see that there are some new avengers, two spiders huh

Tony: Really spiders? Ya sure *Rumlow presses a button and the wires like up and he screams* Ahhhhhhh

Rumlow: oh come on you know what I'm talking about, but it seems as if they've left without you, now where is your new compound and your daughter?

Tony: idk what your talking about *the wires light up again*

Rumlow: Now I've got to go and clean up the mess your friends made in the meantime know this we will find your daughter and the compound, or you die

Tony: then I guess this is it

Rumlow: oh no it won't be that easy it will be slow *Rumlow leaves*

SpiderWomen (Book 1)(Peter Parker x reader)Where stories live. Discover now