Pt. 25

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*you both somehow manage to sneak out and make it up to a nearby roof*

Peter: alright it's just like riding a bike I won't let go of you until your ready, ok

Y/n: ok, let's do this *you grab his hand and jump, you manage to start to get in a rhythm* omg I'm doing it!

Peter: your doing amazing! Your a natural!
*you both swing around for awhile* you ready for on your own?

Y/n: Well might as well *he let's go of you and you start to do it on your own* woooohooooo!!! *you land on a roof* that...was... amazing!!!!

Peter: I told you, you would be great!! *you both start to get back to the lab when an explosion goes off in a nearby bank*

Y/n: we have to help

Peter: Wait...

Y/n: come on *you both see a bunch of men in masks holding people hostage and one filling up his bag with money* ok I'll take the two men holding the people hostage you take the two getting the money

Peter: wait but you don't know how to fight yet

Y/n: who said that I can't fight * you swing in and take the two men's guns away with you let webs but they both start to come at you, you start to fight them both and knock one out but the other brings out a knife so you web him to the wall as you turn around you see Peter has also knocked out the other two but one starts to get up and charge at him but before you can do anything you shoot a web at him*

Peter: wo thanks

Hostage: um who are you miss?

Y/n: I'm SpiderWomen *you here police sirens approaching and you both leave and head back to the lab*

SpiderWomen (Book 1)(Peter Parker x reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt