Pt. 20

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Peter: Hydra, omg I've only ever heard about them I thought they were extinct

Y/n: that's what everyone thought but there back, and there after me now for some reason *you start to breathe heavily and shake*

Peter: hay hay *he raps you in a big hug* I won't let that happen even if it's the last thing I do

Y/n: no Peter you don't have to do that for me I don't know what I would do if you died

Peter: hay let's not think about that right now, right now we need to find somewhere safe to hide until they come and get us *you both get up and put up your hoods and start to walk, you both stick to the shadows and decide to head towards Brooklyn*

Y/n: where are we going?

Peter: I'm not 100% sure yet

Y/n: wait a minute... *you look around and feel like there's something familiar about this area* omg I know where we are * you grab peters hand and run the next block and then freeze* this is where it happened

Peter: what? The car crash?

Y/n: yes it was right here *you get a flash of it happening and start to cry, peter notices and gives you a hug* it-it's ok come on I know where we we're headed

Peter: what do you mean

Y/n: my dad suspected that someone was about to come after us so he was taking us to a safe house but they chased us and got us before we could get there *you walk a couple more blocks and get to a back alley and a door to an old bar*

Peter: wait we can't go in there

Y/n: just trust me

Peter: Always

Y/n: *you smile and walk in, no ones in there except the bartender* I think I remember what to do my dad took me here once before *you both sit at the bar*

Bartender: sorry guys I'm going to need so id

Y/n: oh we're just visiting, can I get a pitcher of water with lite ice and 3 glasses, and where's your bathroom

Bartender: down the hall to the left

Y/n: thanks *you both go down the hall and stand in front of a door labeled employees only*

Peter: wait he said left but the bathrooms on the right, and how... what

Y/n: ha ha it's a secret entrance Peter try and keep up *you enter the door and enter a hallway and see a supply closet, you go in and it's a bright room with a eye scan on the wall* ok hopefully I'm still in the system *you try it out and the light turns green*

Jarvis: Hello Ms. Stark we've been waiting for you

SpiderWomen (Book 1)(Peter Parker x reader)Where stories live. Discover now