Pt. 31

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Y/n: *after he leaves you crawl to the center of the ceiling and drop down. You web two of there g•ns and dive for the third knocking him out you start to fight the other four and the two with g•ns sh••t at you and you roll away you manage to web one of them and while the other reloads you knock him out* two down three to go *you run at them and fight one of them sweep your feet and you fall one of them pulls out a kn!fe and swings it at you but you grab hie arm and flip him on his back and dislodge his shoulder and knock him out. You start fighting the other two and knock them out. You look over at your dad and start towards him,*


Y/n: *before your dad could finish you sense the scientist come at you but with an injection you grab his arm and flip him* now release Tony *the scientist does and you knock him out. Soon as he does you dad starts to fall but you catch him* I got you

Tony: y...

Y/n: yes!! It's me SpiderWomen, there's cameras everywhere now come on let's get you out of here

Tony: wait no I'm just going to slow you down

Y/n: hay I'm not leaving you ok and if I do there's no guarantee we will be able to find you again *you grab his helmet* so let's go

SpiderWomen (Book 1)(Peter Parker x reader)Where stories live. Discover now