Pt. 22

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Y/n: my suit?!

Fury: yes, your father left the basic plans he came up with and also left the schematics of Peters suit just in case

Peter: he wants us to build her suit now? How long are we gonna be in here?

Fury: don't worry about school and this is still a fully stocked safe house, so there is some pretty nice apartments for you to stay in

Y/n: what about you? And how are we supposed to build my suit?

Fury: you have everything you need here, and you let father said he believes in you both. Now as for me I have other work to do. But I'll be near by if you need anything. *he makes his way into the elevator* if there is an emergency press the big red button under that desk and if you need anything just inform Jarvis and we'll see what we can do. Now have fun, but not to much fun 😉 bye now *the elevator door closes and he's gone*

Y/n: well I guess that just happened

Peter: well idk about you but I'm hungry and exhausted and probably a little stinky

Y/n: haha ya I guess we should take care of ourselves first. *you both walk into the apartment and find some clothes to change into and take turns with the shower. When you make it into the kitchen you both just decide to have cereal and quickly eat two bowls worth*

Peter: so I noticed there was only one bed...

Y/n: I'm comfortable sharing.
*you wake up next to Peter cuddling you and sneakily slip out to start breakfast*

Peter: hay baby *he comes up behind you and gives you a hug* what you making?

Y/n: eggs and toast there was planning on bacon but there was none

Peter: who forgot bacon

Y/n: that's what I said *you both laugh and sit down to eat breakfast. After breakfast you both get dressed and head into the lab* so o guess we better get started

Peter: after you

Y/n: me?

Peter: ya you it's your suit, plus I know you your super smart, so right now I'm your assistant. Ehm where you want me boss

Y/n: haha ok Peter, alright Jarvis let's get started
*you've been working almost all day and are actually about half way done*

Peter: wow we did some great work today how about I make dinner

Y/n:*your still in the zone building* ok thanks babe

Peter: she's so cute when she gets like this
*peter makes you both dinner* y/n dinners ready * you don't answer* y/n? *he goes and finds you still hard at work with music playing so he taps you on the shoulder*

Y/n: oh hay babe what's up

Peter: haha come on dinners ready *you both sit down to eat*

Y/n: sorry I guess I got in the zone huh

Peter: don't worry it's fine, I thought your stark zone was pretty cute

Y/n: stark zone?

Peter: ya Pepper told me about it once, how Tony would always get int this zone while working, guess it's genetic

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