Pt. 10

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*After Peter and Bruce's talk peter comes back over to you*

Y/n: hay, what was that about?

Peter: oh nothing, but there are going to be some more people coming to meet you soon

Y/n: oh ok, when?

Peter: in a couple of hours you should get some rest in the meantime

Y/n: ok *he goes and turns off the room light and sits in a chair next to you* Peter can you lay with me... at least until I fall asleep?

Peter: of course *he lays down next to you and is careful not to hurt you and you both end up falling asleep*

Bruce's POV:

*it's been a couple of hours and you just keep looking at the results and can't believe it*

Tony: hay Bruce sorry it took so long, what's the emergency?

Bruce: well... this is going to be a little hard to explain... Peter brought a girl here....

Tony: he what?!

Bruce: she was badly injured and they couldn't go to the hospital...

Tony: where is Peter?!

Bruce: with her in the med bay but Tony listen to what I have to say first...

Tony: I'm going to give that kid a piece of my mind

*tony storms off to the med bay*

Bruce: oh boy

SpiderWomen (Book 1)(Peter Parker x reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin