Pt. 23

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Y/n: * you both finish your dinner* wow that was delicious Peter

Peter: thanks

Y/n: here I'll get the dishes *you wash the dishes and can feel peter watching you* what?

Peter: nothing *he turns away blushing*

Y/n: *you start to blush as well. You finish washing the dishes and feel two arms wrap around you* well hello handsome *you turn around and you start to kiss but this time it's different it's more passionate, he moves his hands to your waist and picks you up and put sleep you the counter. You move your hands through his hair and down his back. He stars to move down your neck and finds your sweet spot and you let out a small moan*

Peter: you like that?

Y/n: *your face gets red* omg Peter *you start to kiss him again and start to lift up his shirt and feel his abs, he picks you up and carry's you to the bedroom. He places you on the bed and makes his way to your neck again.* OMG!!!!! I just thought of something amazing for the suit!!! *peter rolls off you and you run out the room, but stop in the hallway and run back and give Peter a quick kiss then run back out*

Peter: Haha definitely a stark

SpiderWomen (Book 1)(Peter Parker x reader)Where stories live. Discover now