Vibe check

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  Y/n continued their search after that odd encounter. Swatchlings usually avoid the mansion...unless the job has been done.

  They smiled to themselves. Good. Now where the fuck was Spamton?

Someone turning the corner caught their attention. The person was tall, fancily dressed, wearing black- Y/n switched direction and sped up. Sure his suit had some colors on it but he must have been moving pretty fast. There was totally no one else in this mansion that fits that description. They teleport into the hallway in front of Spamton.
  "FOUND YOU! Hi!" Y/n tackles him causing him to nearly fall back.
Why does he smell like Queenditioner? They look up and quickly shove the person away after realizing that it wasn't the kromer man.
"Well that was awkward-"
"Who are you, how did you get here, and what is that blue guy next to you? He smells like chicken nuggets with a side of mt. dew and nachos."
  The epic gamer scoffed and pointed a feather at Y/n," Its LORD Berdly to you! And that stench is my aura of high IQ!"
  "hah sure." They take a closer look at the other...oh crap, Ghaster!? But didn't I successfully created an illusion to trick him into thinking that this timeline was totally normal? The classic photo in front of the camera but more complex?
   "Ah, so you have noticed."
"Shut it Ghaster I know why you're here," Y/n glared as they take out their weapon," unlike the others I'm going to kick your ass."
Berdly laughed and brought out his axe as test papers hover around him menacingly," What makes you think that you could beat ME and my brigade? Hmm?"
  "Careful Berdly, I have no idea what this person is capable of."
"What- didn't they just mention that there were others? Doesn't that imply that you have in fact done this before?"
  Ghaster looked to the side," welll uh I'm pretty sure that they meant the other versions of me-"
Berdly choked on a nugget," AYO, other versions? DOES THAT MEAN-" he gasped," there are other BERDLYS! I can make Smartopia, a smart army !-"
"Berdly no. Lets not fool with the other timelines unless necessary. I read in the book that interaction with other Aus leads to a lot of things," Ghaster pulls out a list," like an..." he raises a brow," interdimensional multiverse sans war??"
  "What the hell is that?" Berdly and Y/n say in unison. Ghaster shrugs as the list disappears into the void called an inventory. A moment of silence passes before Y/n goes back to a fighting stance. The music kicks in again.
  "Anyway. How about this? I kick your asses, get my story, and have a romance while you sob of cringe in the void somewhere. "
"Come on."
"FINE!" Y/n summons their sword," one last question."
"Go on."
They grin evilly," Trick or yeet?"
Ghaster holds up an Uno reverse but Y/n pulls out a block card. Then a blast of magic is sent their way.
Berdly runs to the side as Ghaster teleports around it. Quickly flipping through his book, he lands on the spell needed to take out Y/n.
"Berdly. Distract them and figure out a way to alert the others to our location."
"On it!" He throws a shower of nuggets at Y/n as Ghaster disappeared. Probably gone invisible.
  Berdly uses his gaming skills to create a beacon in the area using his weapon,"I bet Spamton is a beta cuck and a mobile gamer!" Now he had their full attention along with their attacks.
  After a while, Berdly and Y/n had managed to tire each other out. How did he survive those meteor blasts and erase attempts? Simple, the power of cheat codes. Ghaster finally returns and pops back into the scene.
"I have finished preparations." he takes out a pin similiar to the fountain making one that Queen once had. Some paritcles of code follow it as it faintly glowed. Y/n moved to run away but was blocked with a force field on all sides. Even beneath the floor just in case.
    "Once I stab this into the ground near you, well, you'll be sent back to wherever you came from." He walked up to Y/n and stopped just outside the barrier," This is definetly going to hurt my back-" he jumps up and stabs the ground causing an explosion of code to emit from the pin. Berdly had to look away to prevent his eyes from being fried from the brightness. Being an avid dark mode user had some cons like pain to sudden brightness. Once the explosion calmed down the both of them looked up.
  Y/n was gone.

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