A new challenger approaches

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   Just as May and Gaster stepped into the dank alleyway of the lower city, a bunch of papers get thrown at them from behind. Gaster takes at least 2 seconds to finally react while May flinched and looked back at who the hell threw those.
    "I KNEW IT, I KNEW THERE WERE EXTRATERRESTRIAL ALIENS!" A birdlike darkner wearing glowing armor exlaims," You two shall help me, The Epic Gamer Berdly 42069 Based, defeat the tyrant that oppresses gamers!"
Berdly takes out his battle axe. The faint oder of chicken nuggets and Mt. Dew following his every move.
  Hmm so he's a gamer...
May taps on Gaster's sleeve, he leans down as she tells him something. Giving an understanding nod, he summons 2 gaming pc set ups. Berdly drops his axe in shock.
  "ALIENWARE LED FULL GAMER PC SETS WITH RTX GRAPHICS AND NOISLESS FANS!? S-such power- do you intend to challenge me to a match?"
   "Yes, you get to chose the game. If we win, you join us in OUR adventure. But if we lose, we'll defeat that tyrant of yours."
  He accepts and starts a round of Minecrap man hunt. May was the hunter and Berdly was the runner.
After a 5 second start, May chased Berdly through some biomes and to a mountain.
  "Where are all the lava pools!? Damn map. Oh," He reached the cliffside of the mountain. Noticing May was running at him with a stone axe, he sweats a little. It was Java afterall," FOOL! You think a mere mountain cliff would stop me?" he takes out a stack of dirt," Hey shitass, wanna see me speedbridge?" Berdly proceeds to slowly bridge away while breaking blocks as he goes to get away. May jumps on and knocks him off to fall to his doom. But he ends up landing in a lake, a lucky save!
  "Hahaha! It seems that I have survived that close predicament up there! But I, Berdly, am a GAMER and have the IQ of 90000. Nothing can defeat me! Not even that Creeper one block away from me!" He pauses," wait, one block away-"
   A Fsssssssss was heard then an explosion.

[Berdly died from an explosion]

  Devastated, the poor gamer knight looked at his screen in woe. It looks like the aliens have won, damn them and their gamer power! It was over 9000!
  "Alas you have defeated me. Do as you wish, but tell my dear Noel that I love her."
  "Ok, anyway, get in the team loser we are going to kick Y/n's and Spamton's asses."
  Berdly instantly perks up and grabs his axe," I WAS PLANNING TO DO THE SAME THING!"
[Berdly has joined the party]

It was an unexpected first recruit but if he had snuck into the palace many times, that meant he knew of a back door. The trio was about to head out into the city streets when a figure emerges from the shadows nearby.
  "I also wish to join."
It looked like a swatchling but its red suit was faded and a bit raggy in some areas. He bows," Oh parden me, where are my manners? I am Rito, an ex butler from the castle during Queen's reign. I witnessed the battle and heard of what your goal was. I only wish to aid you all in your travels. Excuse my shadowy entrance."
May looked over in thought.
   "Wait, the Swatchlings don't work in the castle anymore?"
   He shook his head," When that robot fellow took over he replaced them with the Addisons. So they set up their own cafe in the city instead of the palace. However that happened long after I left. If you wish to know why I had done so, I'll tell you at a later date."
   The trio huddled around to decide his fate. Berdly didn't mind him tagging along and Gaster approved of Rito. They tell him to come along and he smiles warmly.
  "I am at your service."

[Rito joined the team]

  Passerby move to walk around the four people that emerge from the alley and into the streets.
  "So....do we just head straight for the castle or?"
  "We need to commit grand theft auto Berdly." Gaster says while looking around for an empty car. Berdly stared in shock while Rito walked up to a locked Cungadero. With a flick of his feathers, the car was unlocked and he held the driver's door open.
   "May, you know how to drive yes?"
"D-drive? Are you sure you want ME to be at the wheel?"
   The group nods. Berdly calls shotgun while May gets behind the wheel. Rito joins Gaster in the backseat and quickly buckles himself in.
  "Alright, to the castle!" Berdly cheers. May fucking speeds off causing Berdly's grin to shift to slight fear. However she had managed to somehow drift around turns and not hit cars. Berdly slowly turned to May for an explaination. Her response? Years of Mario Kart.
   Suddenly Gaster leans forward,"  STOP EVERYTHING!" He points ahead," May, get the Kromer!" There was indeed, some kromer lying on the road. May speeds up.
Rito joins in too. As the car speeds by, Berdly grabs the KrOmEr. Gaster cheers,"Now we all have 10 dark dollars! ....I forgot to mention that we're broke."
   "Can't you just summon money?"
"I have limits, and sadly, that includes the infinite money cheat."
   "Damn." May goes back to concentrating on not crashing. Wait is that a traffic jam ahead? Hmm...
She shifts a few things and ramped off of a fallen sign. Gaster holds onto the seat, Rito does a birdlike screech,  and Berdly yells GET SOME AIR. The car safely lands on an unused railway.
The group calms down for a bit, until Berdly spoke up.
   "Hah, that was awesome! Thank god we landed on this uncompleted road."
  "Excuse me kind sir who smells like burnt nuggets, what."
    "Yeah, I remember being told that the Queen never finished this....oh...OHHHHH SHIT!"
  Rito puts on a helmet," EXACTLY SIR!"
   The car falls off the edge and lands softly into a mountain of trash. Gaster slowly walks out as Rito gets up to help Berdly up from the depths of the trash pile. May gets up,"We'll that was an experience. How close are we now?"
   Gaster hums in thought and takes out a holographic pocket watch. He swipes to a display of a map," We are about a couple miles from the castle. We just have to pass through the shopping district."
   A shout from Berdly once again, grabs the group's attention. They find him in an abandoned parking lot near a door.
  "Check this out," He swings the rusty metal door open," A gamer pad just waiting to be converted!"
  "I don't know man, the place looks like it uses dial up for internet." May commented as they walked closer. Berdly laughed and claimed dial up was no sweat for a gamer like him. Oh how wrong he was.
    Theh entered the abandoned shop, hoping to loot the place or find a shortcut.

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