How the turn tables

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Spamton was busy scamming some citizens, being a Big Shot in the castle as usual. Now that he was 100% free from being held back, he really didn't need Queen anymore. However he was still formulating a plan for a subtle transfer of power. If Queen had suddenly disappeared overnight there might be some opposition again. He wanted to be loved, adored! Not hated. Maybe he'll program her to announce that she lost to him at a mobile game or something-
   As he pocketed the kromer and walked off his mind shifted to the next problem. Y/n.
They were under control right now but what should he do in the event that they recover? Thanks to a little info drop from a phone friend, he was able to find out what they were and counter their odd abilities. He was even able to beat Mike easily without using that special weapon Sean talked about. When he had first encountered Y/n in the basement, a wave of emotions erupted immediately causing him to stutter for a moment, allowing them to escape. It wasn't the natural, love at first sight and it felt really off, intense even. The more he tried to figure them out, the more he fell into their spell. With some quick actions and the help of Gaster he was able to break free and suppress it long enough to stop Y/n. They had done their job of being a pawn in his grand scheme, he just had to figure out how to get rid of them.
   Feeling a tap on his shoulder he turned his head to see Y/n. Huh, weren't they supposed to be watching Queen play gacha games?
   "Howwwss my favorite salseman doing?"
  Favorite salesman? Thats new.
"Why [my esteemed customer] I am doing [9/10!] on this fine day!"
  Y/n smiled and intertwined their hand with his as they followed him," Mhm...say...I've noticed that you've been avoiding me," they lock their eyes with his," is something bothering you?"
   "No [NO], just deep in thought [angel]. Along with doing [business as usual] hahahaha."
  He did NOT program them to do this. Wait...their eyes weren't green anymore. Oh KrOmer, they snapped out of it. Ok play it cool Spamton G. Spamton, maybe you could knock them out or something.
   Y/n gripped his hand tighter," If thats the case. Could you...kill Queen off? She's just a puppet now and I could take her place and be sooo much more better."
  "Come on, think about it. You and me ruling Cybercity and everywhere else, kicking ass, being totally obedient to my orders along with loving me-" The last part was so quiet and fast that it could have been the fine print on tv. But of course, he heard it just like he heard the Fun Gang's plan before the fight with Mike. Having insane hearing was very useful afterall.
  "Well that'll come in [due time]. Be patient." He escapes their grip, playing it cool. His phone saves him by ringing and he excuses himself to answer it leaving Y/n behind.
"Greetings pleb this is the Based Department."
  He raised a brow," [Based Department]?"
The caller on the other side laughed," No fool IT IS I, JEVIL! Wondering how I got cha number, number?"
  "Wait I don't [understand], aren't you supposed to [forget all expenses]?"
"I'm built different! I cAn Do AnYthInG! Gaster happened to have a big ass phone book of numbers. Anyways, hows your situation with uh thAt FunNy entity hmmm?"
  "Uhm...its really [looking good] right now." He says while looking at Y/n who was across the hall with Queen playing candy crush. They look up, and lovingly wave while attempting to kill Queen but failing because Queen pushed them out of the way to get a wild banana.
"Any ideas on [taking out the trash]?"
Jevil hums," ok so we got a plan."
"Whos [we] exactly?"
  A faint but familiar gamer sounding voice yells in the background of the call," THE BERDLY BRIGADE!"
  He could hear Jevil cringe slightly," Me, Gaster, and a couple of friends are going to kick down the doors to your hOmE. Prepare yourself...if we ever get there. Damn traffic. If you become ruler, please remove this."
  As they talk, Y/n had given up on eliminating Queen right now. She was really unpredictable. One second she is canceling someone on Twitter, the next, she is sprinting after Potassium or getting on a litteral hype train. Why is there a random train installed in the castle anyway? Y/n sighed and gazed out of the nearby window at the city and lights below. Thanks to their secret purchase of an Ad blocker 2 from the Swatch gang, they were able to think clearly again. Sadly, Spamton hasn't given in yet. Where's the romance? The fluff? The obsessive and crazy ass (questionable) love story? It worked for the others, whats so different about this try? Examining their reflection, they observed themself. The color switch was taking too long....but I'm pretty sure I had killed her...right? Being an overpowered being as usual, Y/n learned a bit of fore sight. Using it, they caught a breif glimpse of something. Their hands gripped the edge of the window sill.
  No. No way. That definetly can't happen. Y/n walks off quickly, a plan forming in their mind.
  It was late at night in Uptown Cyber city. The streets had a few groups wandering about but it was mostly quiet. Unless you count the noises of Ambulances running around. Swatch was tending to his cafe shop as a cloaked figure approached. He looks up to begin his normal greeting only to notice that it was Y/n. Spamton's recent business partner. He internally groaned, he had disliked him from the start and even more when his castle cafe shop was shut down.
  "Good evening, welcome to the Color cafe how may we serve you?"
  "Swatch I need a favor from you guys. If this works, you'll be rewarded I promise."
  Swatch crossed his arms and looked at the lightner with interest," I'm listening. This better be good."

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