Chaotic order

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   The Berdly Brigade storm the castle.

The place had some vaporwave aesthetic going for it along with some ads scattered about. To the left was a shop of some sort. Jevil rushes in with no hesitation while yelling something about breaking pottery. Berdly turns to the group.
  "We should split up."
"Ah, yes, the classic move that usually screws up a team."
  "..ok true but we have to find Y/n pretty soon. You're looking like an uncolored 3d asset to a game."
  May checks herself," Damn right. Ok who goes with who? I think there are five of us so the teams are going to be uneven."
  After a bit of discussion, Berdly decides to take Ghaster and leave Jevil and Rito with May. This was to ensure that both groups had at least 1 person that could kick Y/n's ass and hold out long enough to regroup. Berdly drags Ghaster into the depths of the castle. May and Rito enter the shop to get Jevil.
  The shop owner looks up at the new arrivals and waves. Jevil seemed to be searching through a box next to the counter.
  "Wow a crowd. Ok uh this is new. Welcome! Have a look around, I got healing items and all that good stuff for cheap prices. Its a thrift store after all!" Some familiar glasses are on her head, she didn't look like an Addison but certainly had a magenta color scheme going.
  "Huh...I have never heard of a thrift store being established here."
  The shop owner sheepishly smiled at Rito," Hah well...uh. I kinda...snuck in. Had been doing business here for about 2 weeks now. Lots of weird stuff happening around the castle too and I'm surprised that the owners haven't found me yet!"
  "Where did you get those glasses?"
"My glasses?" She looks at May," oh. I borrowed them."
A moment of silence passes.
"Ok I stole them. Are they important? I kind of committed devious lick on some weirdo wandering the halls. Let me tell you, they were pissed that they had lost these!" A mischievous smile crossed her face," Too bad they couldn't catch me. These are pretty cool."
  May and Rito relaxed a bit. This wasn't a trick from the enemy. Jevil laughs and turns to them, devils knife in hand.
  "Look what I can do!"
He twirls it around causing particles of mini jevils to emit from the blade.
  "YEEAAAHHH how much is this?"
"20 dark dollars."
   He slaps some stolen money on the counter," SOLD!"
  Rito peers into the box. It seemed to be filled with particle effects for almost anything. He got lost in the craftmanship.
  "You got a map of the place uh-"
"Call me Xp." The shop owner digs around behind the counter next to some computers and other hardware," Give me a second, I got just the thing you need..."
  She produces a watch and gives it to May.
"Here, take it free of charge. Just press that button and a hologram of the location should pop up with markers and all! It might also have another function too."
May equipped the watch and thanked Xp. Then a guy walks in through a door next to the counter. He's a couple inches taller than Xp but still smaller than Rito. Like the shop owner, he had a dark blue color scheme with yellow accents. However he had rainbow glasses-
  "Xp what the fuck is that?"
He looks at Jevil as he rapidly spun in place making particles fly everywhere.
  "ShUsh they're customers. I forgot to mention that my father helps me here, his name is MS-Dox. But MS is fine."
Rito snaps out of the craftmanship,"You mean, MS-Dos?"
" No, dox. He is banned in 47 states and hacked the fuck out of operating system companies." She laughed," We got into this guys Queenazon account once, I ordered the guy a 270,000 dollar gaming laptop for fun. I wonder how he is doing nowadays...."
  The squad bought a few things from the shop before saying their goodbyes and heading out. Using the map, they begin their search.
  After a while, they enter another room of hallways and paintings. Only to hear the approach of someone. No not someone, it was the approach of a...BIG SHOT. A rapid one too.
"NoPe I am not getting hit by metal wings again, hIdE me!" May quickly ducked into a darkened hallway. Jevil followed," I'mmm going to sneeeze and expose your hiding spot! HHaHhaha" May slapped a hand over Jevil to quiet him and prevent that from happening.
  Spamton slowed to a stop and looked back in slight worry. When he looked up, he noticed Rito standing in the middle of the hallway.
  "Oh [salutations]." He caught his breath and straightened himself," odd that a swatchling is feels like I know you."
  "I- "
"Anyway," Spamton interrupts," could you do me a [big shot] favor?"
Rito slowly nods.
"If a Lightner runs up to you asking about me, tell them that I was never here. I'd call it a truce if you were on a team...unless you are."
Jevil grins menacingly and attempts to sneeze. Spamton seemed to hear the faint struggle so Rito coughs to cover it.
  "No, no! No teams here, just exploring your establishment."
  Spamton narrows his eyes as Rito panics internally. But they were saved by someone yelling from the other side of the hallway.
"!#?$, [conceal my identity] please!" Spamton ducks into the same hallway as Jevil and May. The two silently stared as the oblivious salesman hides with them. Y/n no clipped into the hallway.
Rito jumps at the sudden entrance," M-me?"
   "Have you seen a guy with two toned glasses and a suit anywhere? I made some Flavorful [questionable] Fanfic Fruitcake that totally doesn't have suspicious effects in it."
Y/n sighs," Oh well." they drop the pie and it explodes. "What does a Lightner have to do to get a romance story going?"
  Rito is now confused as fuck.
"All of the others do all sorts of things in the other timelines. I had to go through a god damn memory wipe, a weird adventure, a betrayal plot, and now that the stage is set I'm being avoided." Y/n looked back at Rito," You get me right? Of course you do."
No I don't-
"If you see him, screech and I'll come running. I didn't offer your boss the throne for nothing!" Y/n then no clips away. Surprisingly not banned from the server yet.
   Spamton walks out in fury.
"That little [slime]! Offering my position to another? Why the [ad demonitized for cussing] would they try that..."
  Rito shrugs.
"You should punt them yes, yes!"
Spamton looks next to him," Oh hi Jevil." He jumps," JEVIL?" Spamton notices May as well," You've got to be [FUCKING MY ASS]! I thought you [died and got compensation] you [sponge]!"
  "My death was, greatly exaggerated." May lets Jevil loose which causes Spamton to be tackled by the tiny clown.
  "Judging by that event just now, I bet you are having some problems huh?"
Spamton tiredly sighes," Tell me about it. I have been [running from the IRS?] for a while." he crossed his arms," why were you two hiding?"
  "HoW AbOut the MuLtiple TiMes you Had FlUng Me in ThE PaSt?"
"OHhhHhhh, HeAh[heheha]hah! Don't worry about that. I was trying to keep them [under terms and conditions] at the time....however I seem to be in a [predicament] now that they are sentient again."
"Chaos, chaos!"
Tasc Manager has been summoned.
"WHO DARES COMMIT CHAOS IN THESE HALLS- oh its you." Tasc Manager cracks her whip menacingly as she looks at Jevil," how unrefined. Boss shall I get rid of them?"
  "[No] they are [friend request accepted!] here! Stand down Tasc Manager!"
  She huffed and got rid of her weapon. Her tasc army leaves the hall in search of mice and yarn.
Tasc Manager noticed Rito and they both say hello and start talking A LOT.
Spamton realized who Rito was and joined in. After everyone's little reunion, plans were made to meet up with Ghaster and Berdly.

-Spamton and Tasc Manager joined the Berdly Brigade!-


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