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   Jevil leaned back, driving the car without the use of hands somehow. "Hahaha funny that we have 5 stars above us in the upper right corner!"

Berdly was happily coming up with combo attack names like Smart counter, Winner winner chicken dinner, some devil may cry combos, epic gamer moment, outstanding move, mom's credit card, MLG 360 no scope-
   The car suddenly stops, nearly sending Jevil out of the windshield, snapping Berdly out of thought, causing May and Gaster to jump, and Rito getting a facefull of the leather seat in front of him.
   "WhAt ThE Hell?" Jevil pops up from under the seat to see a darkner similar to Rito holding the car in place with one feathery wing. Actually, Rito seemed to be attempting to hide behind the seats now.
    "Ay bird man! Whats the big deal holding us up?" Jevil leaned out the window," We got a thrashing session at the castle soon, soon! ACK-" A swatchling grabbed him by the neck causing a small squeaky noise to be heard.
   The group was grabbed and hauled out of the car by the other swatchlings right after. The one that was holding the car let go, causing their ride to self drive away. He was a bit smaller than the others but seemed to be the leader. His eyes narrowed behind his glasses as he saw Rito among them.
    "Huh, I did not expect to see you again....and helping these civilians."
  He kept quiet but it wasn't due to fear.
    "Silent treatment I see. Well that'll change soon, as for the rest of you let me introduce myself," he bows slightly," I am Swatch. Owner of the renowned Color Cafe in Uptown Cybercity, and today we have a special surprise order just for all of you."
  The group of swatchlings behind Swatch take out brooms, guns, and serving plates.
   "Someone ordered some takeout with you in mind. Or in your terms, a thrashing." He clears his throat," CALLING ALL BESTIES," he points to them and in the most serious and smoothest voice he could talk in,"kill. :D"
The gang of butlers close in on them. Berdly screamed and wavedashed one out of self defense while taking out his weapon. Gaster dodges a broom and talked about cold things causing the ones around him to turn blue. May puts up a barrier to keep some back while holding a pissed off Jevil.
  Gaster signals to everyone that they should turn the attackers colors to yellow. The group begins to steadily spare off the butler army.  Berdly spares the last of them off using his high IQ. He laughs at Swatch with the aura of an epic smart gamer who totally didn't screech like a bird earlier.
   "It seems that my team's collective intellect has bested you noobs! Surrender now or face the wrath of the Berdly Brigade!"
  "That appears to be true, you are all alive for some reason. I knew that I should have changed those color suits years ago," Swatch promptly summons more butlers," Apologies, but I must win this battle. The offer made is too generous to pass up."
  He starts to shoot lazers at the Berdly Brigade. The swatchlings had headphones on to block out any mention of temperature this time. The situation was starting to go south for the team.
  Fire erupted around the team forcing the attackers back, the sound of an electric guitar flooding the air.
It was Rito, standing in the middle with a guitar in hand. Some flames were still coming off of it. The butlers hid behind Swatch, they seem afraid to catch their feathers on fire.
   "Besties," he says while turning to address the scared group," if we don't win this, we won't be able to reestablish ourselves in the castle. Are we just going to let some ex butler stop us?"
  They shook their heads.
"Good. Now jump them please."
Rito flings all of them back with fire again.
  Swatch's cool exterior breaks and he takes out an MS paint, paint gun," Listen here you little shit, I want back in along with my status once Spamton is dethroned. I will not allow a reject like you to stop me, this is mostly your fault due to that stunt you pulled!"
  "I did that for a good reason. What happened that day, wasn't something that I wanted to represent as a butler in your company or as a resident under Queen's reign." Rito stated as Swatch revved up his gun.
"Bruh I'm your boss and our job was to serve Queen no matter what she does!" Swatch shot at them," However she is obviously not around anymore due to someone!"
  May gets an idea and quickly discusses it with Berdly. Berdly grins and tells it to Rito. Rito shrugs and agrees to it.
  "FOOL, we got a special gamer move just for you!" Berdly spun and pointed in Swatch's direction," TEAM, COMMENCE SMART NUKE!" He attacks Swatch, causing him to move out of the way, getting a bit of electricity on him, and into one of May's wave attacks, drenching him in water causing him to be electrified.  Rito rushes forward, envelops his weaponized guitar in flames, and punts him. The elemental reaction caused Swatch to be knocked back by an explosion and sent back to his cafe.
  Rito cools down and makes sure to put out the tiny fires on his suit. His feathers that glowed bright red faded back to black. Berdly laughs and plays a victory song on his smart phone. Jevil mourns the loss of their sick ride while May stared at Rito in thought.
  "Seems you two got some old beef with eachother huh?"
  He turns to May with a nod," Yes...we do."
  She carefully asks if he could share his backstory. Everyone else knew each others and Berdly had recited his time in the Cyberworld like the opening of a Star wars film already.
  "Well...I met Spamton in his early days as a 'Big shot' in the castle as a butler. We were friends and usually talked near the cafe or meet up to play a quick game on one of Queen's many arcades." He sighs and continues," I also helped him vent a little during his downfall. Snuck him free drinks and stuff so I would have been fired either way heh."
  "Then...what DID you do to piss off Swatch?" May asked as the group walked along the sidwalk...or the side of the road. It was still partially under construction.
  "I saved him from becoming battery acid. From the rumors I've heard, I think he had flooded the city's emails with spams and malware. Everyone on staff knew that people living in the castle were thrown into the acid pool under certain circumstances which was something I highly disliked." He nervously laughed," as for the main MAIN reason, I ...might have...helped Spamton in his grand scheme to take over the place."
  Berdly whirled around to look at Rito," SO IT WAS YOU!"
  "No, Spamton threw the trashcan on you. I just knocked you out with my guitar."
  Berdly lets out a stream of angry discord chat noises until Jevil takes out some chicken nuggets. Berdly pauses as Jevil takes out some nutella.
  "W-wait....what are you doing?"
Jevil chaotically laughs," One more peep and these nuggies get the yeet!"
   Berdly looks at the nutella then at the nuggets as he realizes his plan. NONONONONO He wouldn't do that, thought the epic gamer, would he?
  While Jevil and Berdly were at a stand off, May asked Rito one last question.
   "Where the hell did the fire powers come from?"
  "Oh. Us Swatchlings in this universe have matching elements with our colors. Our default colors of course, aka, the ones we're born with. Later on if our color is changed like the methods we used in battle, our element stays the same. So of course, red is for fire."
   She nodded in thought," Hmm...makes sense. Why didn't they go all out back there then? They literally used anything but their so called elements."
  Rito shrugs," I have no idea."
"Hold up! So you bird guys are born with tiny suits?"
  "Uh erm, perhaps." He shyly looks to the side.
  "Awwwww. Thats adorable!"

  A terrified gamer scream catches their attention and they see Berdly watching Jevil in horror as the clown smeared nutella on chicken nuggets before eating them.

  "OH GOD THE HORROR!" Berdly runs to Ghaster who was happily walking along in silence," HiDe Me from ThAt ThIng!"

  "Try it, Try it!" Jevil cackled," You may like it, like it!"

"Jevil kindly stop terrorizing the poor boy or I'll put you in time out."
  Jevil huffed and made the items disappear," Alllrriigghtt. By the way, those stars are still in the top corner! Actually I think theres more than before!"

  Ghaster tilted his head," Stars?"

Distant sound of sirens could be heard and were growing louder by the minute. Was that a helicopter? An armed car pulls up and the window is rolled down.

  "By the way I run a side job as the head of the Swat team here in the city." Swatch says as he pulls out an ms paint rifle.

  Just as the team was about to run, Berdly darted towards the car. He opens the door and pulls out a very confused Swatch with difficulty.

"GTA 5 BITCHES!" Berdly opens the backdoors to their new sick ride," Get in!"

  The team jump in and Berdly speeds off. Swatch nearly shoots their tires out as they drove. At first, everyone thought that they had lost them, until a helicopter flies up and begins to open fire. Luckily Ghaster was able to put up a simple shield using his book.

Berdly drifts the car around a tight turn to enter a tunnel and crash a few cars. Having lost the helicopter, he calls for Ghaster to give him an item block.

"An item block?"
"Yeah, your book should have almost anything right?"

Ghaster flips through the pages," I don't know...hmm...ah here we go!" he pulls out the item and hands it to Berdly," I didn't even know someone attempted to create an Au like that."

Berdly rolls a golden mushroom.
Rito and Jevil stared at the item as May gripped the side handles of the car wall to brace herself.

The car takes off a ramp as Berdly used it. Jevil is thrown against the back window.

"As if thats reassuring Berdly!" May yells back.

After a very long ramp jump, the car lands next to the castle entrance with a fashionable drift. Ghaster and Rito stumble out as Berdly turned it off. Jevil unsticks himself from the window and sees the castle.

"Well that was aweful, awful! Anyway, TIME FOR CHAOS, CHAOS! WOoOoOoOOOo! I need to sit for a moment, moment..."

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