"really?" i practically screeched.

"yeah." she smiled. "identical." i pouted, putting my hand on my chest.

"that's so cute." i whined and she nodded.

why am i... why am i feeling emotions?

"congratulations on your twin girls!"


"don't move a fucking muscle." i gritted through my teeth. i was currently straddling a guy who i had punched to the ground, and was pressing my gun up to his forehead.

you see, this guy got on my nerves. he got on my nerves real bad, and so i decided to give him what he deserved, death. this was a normal drug deal, but he thought it'd be okay to punch me in my stomach because i wasn't giving him the drugs. he literally had no money.

when i do deals, they're usually not interesting. it's usually just a quick exchange and that's it, i only tell you about the fun ones, though.

when i tell you, this guy is lucky he only hit the top of my stomach! he would die either way, no matter where on my stomach he hit, but if he went anywhere near the middle or the bottom, i would've made his death slow and painful.

"you know, i found out that i'm pregnant with twin girls today.." i began. "exciting, i know! anyways, today was, is a good day. i'll be DAMNED if i let an ugly old wrinkly man like you ruin it or put my babies in danger, right?" i said and he gulped. "lucky me, the area you picked is more secluded, all the easier for me to kill you with no witnesses." i chuckled before cocking the gun.

"i like to talk to my so called 'victims', so let's talk. you're the lowest of the low of you think that it's okay to pick on seemingly vulnerable people, okay? as you can see, i'm a woman, i'm small, and i'm pregnant. you thought it was okay to punch my stomach? really?" i paused. "really?"

i sighed, running my finger down the design in the side of the gun before pointing it back at him. "any last words?"

he opened his mouth to speak out before i shot him straight in the forehead. "sike, you really thought."

i watched the blood pour from the fresh wound on his forehead and smiled slightly before moving his hands so that they were covering his forehead, as if he were hiding it. i wore gloves, of course. i rummaged through his pocket, taking out his wallet and grabbing all the cash, shoving it in my pocket.

i then stood up and walked back to my car, pulling out a plastic bag and throwing the gloves in there.


client down

christ, billie! this is the third
time.. you're giving me a
bad name.

pls stop killing people lol


once i got back home, i basically collapsed onto the couch without saying hi to kiara. she came out of the bedroom and scurried over, grabbing my hands and kneeling on the floor in front of me.

i raised an eyebrow. "am i about to get head?" i asked and she rolled her eyes.

"you can't even get head sitting up anymore. besides, i just wanted to know the babies genders!" she said and i let out a little "oh."

"right, well.. they're identical girls." i smiled at the thought of having not one but two babies. what is this warm feeling in my heart? is it heartburn? why do i only get heartburn when i think of my babies? should i be worried?

"awww." kiara faux pouted and i nodded.

kiara leaned forward and pulled up my shirt, kissing my belly. there's that feeling again! she peppered kisses all over my round belly and i watched with a huge smile on my face like an idiot.

one of the twins decided it would be a great idea to kick my ribs and i sucked in a breath, kiara's eyes darting up to look at me. "shit." i groaned, holding my side.

"you good?" she asked, putting my hand and i hesitantly nodded.

"better than ever."

1293 words

a/n: the characters in this book nod so much lmao idk what else to make them do

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