Chapter 25 I "I'm all yours."

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"Hello?" I call inside the apartment on the next day after I came back from work. Simon and I discussed this morning at breakfast that I had to tell Milly as soon as possible about the news of us getting married and moving in together. I wasn't going to just leave and pay my part of the rent until she found another roommate of course, but she still had to find out as soon as possible. Simon dropped me off at work this morning and when we were already late after a long shower we took together where we couldn't keep our hands to ourselves, he was even more behind schedule for dropping me off. Simon of course insisted to do so, but I managed to convince him that I was perfectly fine to get to my apartment tonight. He wasn't having it and ended up agreeing after I promised him to text him as soon as I get home. In the end, a car was waiting in front of the building to drive me home, but I still texted him.

"I'm in my room." Milly calls out and I walk straight to her room and stand in the open doorway. She was sitting in front of her mirror on the floor and looked at me through the reflexion as I just stood there with a mischievous smile on my face. She was confused for a second when I kept quiet and then turned around. "What?" She asks at my weird behaviour.

"I'm engaged." I blurt out. I never planned anything special for telling her, but nevertheless her reaction was priceless. He eyes widen and mouth form to an 'o' and in slow motion her hands come to cover her open mouth while I still stood there smiling like an idiot.

"Oh. My. God." She says really slowly, still registering what I said and then she stands up. Her eyes were still wide open and suddenly her expression turns from surprised to happy. "You're engaged?" She asks and I nod my head, letting out a squeal. And we both walk up to each other and start jumping up and down like little girls, squealing like idiots. "You're getting married?" She asks again like she still couldn't believe it. I don't blame her, I couldn't believe it myself.

"I'm getting married." I exclaim and then we calm down and stand in front of each other.

"Oh my god, how did it happen?" She asks me and we sit down at the edge of her back.

"It was super spontaneous, you know. He picked me up from work and we had dinner together and then just sat down on the sofa. I don't even know how we came up with the topic, but we ended up talking about moving in together. I was sceptical that he might regret living with me after a while and he just showed me that he already got the closet ready with clothes for me and everything. He said all these amazing things about wanting me to feel at home and suddenly he was like, 'Fuck it' and went down on one knee." I ramble, remembering last night.

"So he didn't plan this at all?" She asks.

"Not really. He told me that he planned on asking me at one point, but wasn't sure when to ask me. But he had the fucking ring hidden in his closet all this time." I squeal the last few words more excited and then show her the hand with the ring.

"OHMYGOD!" She exclaims and takes my hand closer to her face to have a clear view of the ring. "This is – It's a diamond, a real diamond. Do you even know how much money you have on that finger?" She asks me and I shake my head.

"No, and to be honest I don't really want to know." I was scared to find out how much money he spent, so he can just keep that a secret from me. It's for the best. "But you do know that I'm moving out, right?" I then tell her the sad part. It was fun living with her, but I was just looking forward to living with my fiancé. Fiancé, what a great word.

"I know. It's sad, but this way we don't have to worry about where to say when one of the Kensington's are staying here." She jokes. That really is an advantage. "You're marrying Simon." She then says.

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