Chapter 15 I "Don't move."

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"Don't move." Simon groans into my neck when I just tried to get more comfortable. We've been in bed for the whole day, doing nothing but cuddling, kissing and having sex. I was exhausted and after orgasm number six, I really needed a break. We haven't really left the bed and for the past hour, I have been drifting in and out of sleep endless times. With Simon's arm around my waist and his body pressed against my back, I was in heaven surrounded by all the pillows and blankets. I opened my eyes slowly and came face to face with the beautiful view of the ocean again. This was officially the best bed in the world with this view and Simon in it.

With my legs feeling sore already and my lips still swollen after all the biting he did, I felt perfect and if there wasn't this stupid human need of food, I wouldn't ever want to get up. "I'm hungry." I let him know and intertwine our hands again. After a long day of physical activities and no food, it was natural for me to want something to eat, but I also knew that I had to get up in order to get what I want. Despite me not wanting to get up, I don't think Simon would let me. The last two times I tried to escape these blankets, Simon stopped and only pinned me down on the bed and got up himself.

"I can call someone." He tells me tiredly and even tough I didn't see his face, I knew his eyes were also closed. I remember the woman telling us that we should text her if we wanted maids to come over, but I don't think that's necessary.

"I can cook." I tell him. After living on my own for so long, constantly eating out got really expensive so I taught myself how to cook and got pretty good after some time.

"You can cook?" He asks like it was a rare talent. For someone who just hires people to cook, it probably was something rare.

"Mhh." I mumble and smile when his arms tighten around me. "Are there even groceries here?" Maybe the woman made sure to fill the fridge for us before we arrived.

"I don't know."

"I go check." I say but don't make an attempt to move and actually go downstairs. Simon also doesn't reply and we just go back to the enjoyable silence. I felt so content in this moment, so I just stopped worrying about food and concentrated on his touch.

I have no idea how much time passes, but when I turn around and open my eyes to face Simon, I see his eyes closed and he also doesn't opens his eyes when I kiss his lips. He's asleep. I had to use this chance and get up to make some food. I carefully escape his arms and put his shirt on once again along with my panties and then closed the door behind me and walk down the stairs.

Luckily the fridge was filled to the brim with groceries, but after this day I craved only one specific thing. Pasta! I was obsessed with it and could literally eat it every day, so I started getting to work. I wasn't sure how long he's going to stay asleep for, so worked quick and half an hour later I had two plates in my had as I entered the bedroom again. He must have smelled the food because right when I get inside, he sits up and rubs the sleep our of his eyes. "I made food." I exclaim happily. I walk over to him and give one of the plates to him along with a fork and the sit down opposite of him with my own plate.

"You really can cook." He says after he takes his first bite and I know it tastes delicious because it's the dish my grandma taught me. "What else is there that I don't know yet about you?" he asks and I remember that he actually knows a lot about me that I haven't told him about, but there are the little details like cooking that he couldn't just find out.

"I can also bake pretty good." It's the only thing that comes to my mind that quickly because it was also related to the kitchen.

"A friend of mine owns a restaurant in London, I think you would really like it there." He tells me. I believe him because why wouldn't I like a restaurant and if it's a place from one of Simon's friends, I knew it had to be good. "I'll take you there sometime."

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