Chapter 10 I "How was your day?"

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Next morning, I woke up alone in bed. Even tough that has been the case every morning despite yesterday, I was a little disappointed. Trying to get past these feelings, I get ready for the day and head up to get some breakfast. On my way, I passed Simon's office, but didn't see him in there and he was nowhere to be seen in the main living room where we usually were. Where was he? "Good morning, Maisy." Cami greets me with a glass of water n his hand that he offers me.

"Thank you, Cami. Do you know where Simon is?" I ask.

"Mr. Kensington asked me to tell you that he had some business to attend in Rome today. Apparently it was a last minute call and he flew there this morning. But we are already on our way and arrive at approximately 7 pm." He tells me. Rome? Last minute? I understand that he had work to do and couldn't just spend his time with me, but hearing that he just flies to another country all of the sudden, that's something else. Why didn't he wake me up and told me himself?

"When did he leave?" I ask. It was only eight in the morning and I woke up earlier than usual, so he must have left way earlier. How did he get to Rome so fast anyway?

"At four." Okay, that was even earlier than I expected. "Mr. Kensington also told me to give you this." He says and hands me an orange bag with the black words LOUIS VUITTON written on it. I eyed the bag suspiciously and don't take it from him.

"What's in there?" I ask. If he's thinks, he can make it up to me by buying me expensive things, he's with the wrong girl. Apart from that, he doesn't even have to make anything up to me. Cami didn't answer me at first, probably not wanting to ruin the surprise, but I wanted to know and I wouldn't back out, so I just stared back at him.

With a sigh, he says, "It's a dress." Happy that he answered my question, I take the bag from him and just put it on the table. I'm not going to open this. "I think you're supposed to wear it tonight, he's taking you out for dinner, I assume." He tells me and things started to get interesting.

"Did he tell you that?" I ask. What did he plan?

"Not exactly, but there is a car that brings you to a restaurant tonight." That was proof enough that he is taking me out for dinner. Dinner and an expensive dress, how charming. I may be in love with all the high heels he's bought for me so far, but I wouldn't let a man just buy me a dress and take me out for dinner, expecting that I forgive him. Again, there is nothing that he's done wrong anyway and this makes me even angrier. I look outside and am a little surprised when I see nothing but water around us. "We're 354 kilometres away from the Italian coast." Cami tells me after he sees my expression.

"Thank you, Cami." I tell him with a smile. He was such a sweetheart. "I'll be outside." I say and decide to enjoy the view.

What if he left to go to Rome because f what happened yesterday. After I told him I wasn't going to have sex with him yet, he made it clear how hard it was for him to...well resist me I guess. But he was so sweet, yet sexy abut it. He kept assuring me that he wouldn't do anything without my consent and still made me feel like the most desirable person in the world. But what if he left because he's had enough of me and needed a break. OR WHAT IF...he's seeing someone else.

Look the thing about our relationship is that he kidnapped me because f some unexplainable attraction he felt for me, but he never voiced what he would want. A relationship? But we aren't official in a relationship. Maybe he's seeing someone else, maybe he has been seeing this someone for the past weeks that I have been with him?

All this time, I have been naïve about Simon and I's relationship. Oh my god, he wouldn't go fuck some random woman and then meet up for dinner with me tonight, right? Unnoticed, I started pacing up and down the deck and a ringing from a phone brought me back to reality. I look in the direction of where it was coming from and see Cami answering the call and then turning to me. "Mr. Kensington." He mouths and hands me the phone as I eye it suspiciously. The thoughts in my head made me feel so stupid because he had every right to see other woman, we weren't in a relationship.

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