Chapter 12 I "He's an impressive man."

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People were obsessed with Simon. The second he leaves the car, paparazzi go crazy with pictures and question. I was already nervous enough about all the press, but tonight they were wild. Simon didn't even look their way and just rounded the car and opened my car door. This time I listened when he asked me to wait inside, because I was afraid to stay out there alone. He holds his hand out for me to take and I am grateful to have something to hold onto and to prevent me from falling. I step out of the car and Simon stands in front of me, looking down to me. "Are you okay?" he asks and I only nod. My answer was enough for him and then started walking in front of me to shield people from bumping into me, but his hands stays laced with mine. Just like the last times, I was relieved to finally be inside and away from all the crazy reporters.

Unfortunately, the people attending this event were just as crazy about seeing Simon and I felt everyone's eyes on us. Simon didn't seem to mind their curious stares or maybe he doesn't notice, either way he just walks into the huge venue with people dressed in the most gorgeous clothes and they put a lot of effort in the design. All the tables were set beautifully with the flowers and all the plates. After all the events I attended with Simon, this is by far the most beautiful and most luxurious, but what did I expect, this is an event by Kensington, of course it's exceptional.

We stopped at a table where I was relived to see some familiar faces already. Michael was sitting there next to a woman, obviously flirting with each other and when he saw me, he winked and shot me a knowing look. That must be his date. I should ask him where they met some time. Brenda, Simon's grandmother was also sat there and I was happy to see her again, because I remember how funny the last encounter with her was.

"Maisy, look at you. Simon managed to bring the most beautiful lady tonight." She makes me blush with her comment and I just laughed when she went in for a hug. "Simon you could have put more effort into your appearance. Look how gorgeous Maisy looks." If she keeps going at this rate, my cheeks will be bright red by the end of the evening. Her grandson only rolled his eyes at her comment but Michael and I found it funny. "Maisy, please sit next to me, we have so much to talk about." She points to a chair next to hers and don't have to be asked twice. I was just about to pull out my chair, but Simon beats me and I offer him a smile as I thank him for his kind gesture. "

"Man, you left all of us waiting. We're starving, what took so long?" Michael asks and it was right when servants started to get everyone food. Did they really wait for Simon to arrive so they could have dinner already? Simon answers him as I stare down at the food and remember the pasta Sergio prepared. Damn I really wanted to eat that, but maybe he has some leftovers for me that I can have tomorrow. I was starving by now after I haven't eaten all day and everyone starts eating and I just listen to Brenda telling me about her time in France. Apparently, she's spending all summer here and wanted to support Michael tonight to represent the name Kensington in case Simon wouldn't show up. Now she was happy that she could just enjoy her evening and leave all the work to Simon.

I was in love with the whole idea of this event. People could donate money for a whole year to a certain charity and every year they support somebody else, like schools or people suffering from certain illnesses. And the day of the event, people were asked to donate again and this day usually gathers just as much money as the whole year did. It's great to see that rich people have a heart and share their money with people who really need it. Over the next hour, three courses were served and when the fourth one arrives, I was already full. It was time for dessert and they had tiramisu and who am I to just waste a portion of tiramisu. With any capacity left, I take my first bite and can't help but moan due to the flavours.

"You enjoying yourself?" Simon leans over to me and whispers so only I can hear. He was close enough for me to smell that cologne of his that made him even sexier if that's possible. I turn my head to him and see his eyes fixed on my mouth and I quickly let my tongue run over my bottom lip, worried that I might have chocolate there.

HIDDEN IN THE CLOSETOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora