Chapter 125: A golden city and the sadness of parting

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The Fellowship was riding again. Bynsarda could only think of a bath and a day she wasn't on the back of a horse. Even if his arms were tightly around her and she loved being this close, enough was enough. Her body leaned back against his and her head rested against his chest. Then as much as she hated being on the horse she felt nothing but love pouring from him. It made her smile.

"I have to admit. As much as I will be happy to no longer be on the back of this beast, I have to thank him. How close I feel to you right now is worth the weeks in the saddle."

Minogos lifted his brows and grinned. "Be careful Byn, I could take that as a declaration of your love for me and as I recall You are not so keen on marrying."

She began to chuckle. "I did choose to live forever for you. I think that means I may have changed my mind. Which is my prerogative as the fairer sex."

He just smirked and found himself dropping the reigns and wrapping both arms around her middle. Lush soft curves pulled so tightly against him that she felt he may absorb her within himself. "Then say You will do it." He whispered against her ear.

"That I will do what?" She whispered back.

"Say it out loud. Say that you will marry me and give me 20 children if I so desire. We will raise them in the tavern with us." He was grinning with each word he whispered against her ear.

"Twenty." She said that slowly and just let that number stay on her tongue for several moments. "That is a lot of children. I just do not know if I could do that and stay sane."

"We don't have to have them all at once Byn." He lay his chin against her shoulder. "We can spread this out over centuries. You did say forever. Last time I checked that was a long time woman. I think 20 is reasonable when you think like that. "

Her lips trembled suddenly. Her heart skipped a beat and she press her hand over her lips. He was watching from the corner of one of his purple eyes. Watching the play of emotions over her face and how her green eyes filled with shimmering tears. Her reality was new. Before she had lived believing while her life would be long she had no reason to live forever. Now she did.

Taking a deep breath she sat up a bit and He lifted his chin from the curve of her shoulder and watched as she spoke up. Her voice rises on the cool breeze so those around would hear this public declaration. "Fine Minogos, I will marry you ."she laughed and eyes began to turn towards them. "You have struck a bargain with me that I can not refuse. If it is 20 children you desire then I shall hold you to this arraignment. You can not leave me until all 20 are raised and have given us grandchildren."

He sat up and spun her around to face him. Making her gasp and laugh. His arms were immediately around her crushing her breast to his chest. His hand on the back of her head with fingers curling in the bright red of hair. "Forever plus 1 I see. Very well then. I agree to the terms. How fast can I make it happen and make you my wife?"

Calenhad listened to the whole exchange and truly being mushy inside looked to them with a wide smile. "Well my new friends. That could happen within a few days if you really want it. I love a good party and a wedding is a reason to have one."

Their new escorts nodded in agreement. "Marriages are encouraged here. We do not have formal announcements or waiting periods." One of the elves said as he rode past them . They were entering a tunnel through a mountain. The light grew dim as they entered it. Their passage lit by elvish magic.

"We like to do it the ancient way. You could just wander into the forest and seal the deal but we do like a feast so you can give us that at least." Said another for the right of them.

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