Chapter 1

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/Jake's side/
It was that time again. When you have to go back to school and see other people. The sun wasn't even completely up yet. Jake is still dozing off in his bed. He get up and pick up his phone right next to him, announcing almost 6 am. His eyes are still a bit blurry from how bad he slept. You can't really sleep thinking about going back to school, even less thinking about meeting your best friend again. On the screen appeared a text from Alexander. "see you soon!". Alexander and Jake have been separated for 1 year when Jake was at his old school. He eventually moved out with his family. He saw Alexander one time during the summer. But that was already two months ago. 'Did he miss me?'. He slightly shake his head, erasing this thought. He was going to a new school. But not just any school. The school where his best friend have been for a year now. He stares at his phone for a few seconds thinking about the last time they saw each other. Alexander is now the only person he will know in this establishment. He looked at the time again. 'im gonna be late if this continues like this!' he run out of his room and grab lunch for the day, after going back to his room to grab his bag. he lock the door behind him and left for his bus stop. The sun was now shining even more. When Jake sat down on the bench at the bus stop, he's already out of breath. he didn't even run. probably because his mind is.

Suddenly, as it was getting windy outside, he got flashbacks of their friendship.
He was with Alexander at a park, they were young at that time. Alexander was explaining his weekend to him. He remembers that he was always hanging out with him and were really close to each other. How he would spend the day with him and play together. He never felt nervous on his presence, because he knew that he could tell him anything. But now, things have changed. Before seeing him again he got that feeling. But what was it? Is this nervousness? It's a strange feeling that have no explanation possible. He stopped daydreaming when his bus arrived. He get on the bus and got to school. He didn't eat anything this morning, probably why he isn't concentrated much today right? It was now almost 8am. Which he spent most of the time daydreaming and getting that strange feeling. When he was finally outside of the school searching for Alexander he didn't saw him. But the first class was about to start soon. Maybe he was late? But usually he isn't. Jake was still outside of the school. He quickly got into the establishment. He still haven't seen his best friend. Jake take his first steps in the hallway walking to his class when the time stopped. It was in slow motion. 'Is it..?' It was Alexander. Standing right in front of him. He changed a bit during the summer. Did he got taller? But what's that? Why is the time going so.. slowly? His eyes were looking directly into Jake's eyes. 'I never felt like this when we were young.' Everything seems so different now. His hair, his stare even the way he is. 'I just didn't eat this morning.. why I am seeing this in slow motion?' He chuckled to himself in his head. All of this happened in only 5 seconds, but it feels like they stared into each other's eyes for hours.

-Hey Jake!

Jake is slowly waking up from this slow motion moment. 'what just happened.' it felt like a dream.


-I want to present you to my friends!
He grab Jake's arm firmly and take him to his friend group.
-Hey everyone, this is Jake, my best friend!
'Best friend..? Why does it sounds weird to hear it now?'

Jake shyly waved at Alexander's friends. He was usually shy with other people. The only person he was comfortable with was Alexander. But why did it felt wrong when he called him best friend in front of other people?

- Hum..
Jake didn't get to finish his sentence, the bell just rang. The students needed to go to their first class. He still have the same feeling he had this morning. The nervousness but excitement to see his best friend. But now there wasn't any excitement anymore. But there was no reasons why he shouldn't be excited after seeing his friend right? Maybe because it was too quick. Jake left for his class seeing Alexander leaving as well behind him for another class. They didn't have their first class together. As the time was passing by, he saw the silhouette of Alexander vanish into the group of students rambling and walking around. Jake suddenly felt a wave of  sadness.That's new. He never felt that way when he was seeing Alexander leaving, usually when they were younger, he'd just be excited for the next time they would see each other. But now it's different. He didn't saw him for a little while and he already have the need to feel his presence close to him.

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