Chapter 24

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Clays pov

Me and George walked up the hill to where Georgia said they use to go. It was amazing. I saw George's jaw drop open and we sat by the edge. The world finally seemed at rest.

I was sat on the mountain with my boyfriend and he was snuggled up to me.

The way the sun glistened on his face was amazing. I loved how his eyes shined and how he always gasped when a different bird flew by.

After an hour or two, the two of us headed home to where we were welcomed by George's family, my family, Mr.Minecrafts family and Tubbos family all sat around one big table chatting. Karl and Sap were also sat there. I could tell it was gonna be a happily ever after for them.

After we ate, we all sat chatting and I turned to George and whispered

"This is it then? Happily ever after. Enemies to Lovers"

George turned to me and said these simple words which made my heart warm.

"Never Gonna be Enemies."

Enemies... ??? - (DNF High School) Where stories live. Discover now