One| Amenity

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Third Person POV

Chapter One!

Chapter One!Amenity

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PACKING THE LAST OFF MY BELONGINGS, ONE OF MY CLOSEST FRIENDS SINCE I WAS a kid, Kane, helped load the very few bags and boxes I had into the back of my mother's new husband old car, he had passed down to me — since he had no kids of his own. It was a kind gesture, and a good car, an Audi A1 Sportback.

Rich people stuff.

Half an hour later, I had tears in my eyes as my last bag was put into the boot. I would be leaving the neighbourhood I had grown up within, the little group of friends I had made, my favourite hideaway spots and most importantly, Kane.

Kane was the most important male in my life — besides my father of course — me and him had grown up together, literally. Our mothers were beside each other in hospital giving birth to us — and Kane's twin brother, Dean, but we will get onto him later — meaning we have the same birthdays. Unfortunately, his mom sadly passed away three years ago, it was a rough time for three of us, but me and Kane got through it together.

We always got through everything together. Now we was being separated, for the first time in nineteen years.

Turning around, I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him into a hug. "If my dad wasn't moving for business you know I would've stayed here with you, right?" I mumbled into his neck.

"Of course Céce, you know my dad is still happy with you moving in! You can live with me," he spoke, attempting to convince his first love to stay.

Pulling away, Cecelia placed her hands on either side of his face, "You know I'd love to, but your father has done enough for me. I pinky swear I'll visit every chance I get."

Sighing, Kane nodded his head in defeat, "You pinky sweared, you can't break that now."

"When have I ever broken a pinky promise?"

Kane prepared to think, "Hm, never. But you can't now especially!"

"I know," I laughed. Repeating it a second time slightly quieter, remembering all our memories with one another as children.

Strolling towards my car, I sat in the drivers seat rolling down my window, allowing Kane to easily talk to me. "You do realise if you moved in with your mum, you would be able to stay here!"

Laughing lightly at his attempts to convince me to stay, "I don't want a new family yet. My mother has already gotten married again, and this guy has a two sons." The word came off my tongue bitterly.

Kane opened his mouth to retaliate, only to get interrupted by a ring. "That's most likely my dad wanting me home, I have family coming round," he rolled his eyes.

I did not want this to happen, but I've been betrayed, tears began to form in my eyes once again. Only seconds had past before I was balling my eyes out in front of Kane, who joined me in the tearful moment.

That was seven months ago.

I kept to my promise, every littlest chance I've been granted with I have taken it to visit Kane. I haven't seen my mum, but she video calls me often. Often mentioning the name 'Elias', a single man who is new to the street she lives upon. He has filled in the roll as the english teacher at the school I had previously attended, many of my old friends had alerted me of his good looks. He's only been there for a few weeks and he's caught the eyes of everyone.

I've spoke to Mateo and Luis once, Arthur, my mothers new husband and my step-father biological sons. I still don't know much about them, all I've gathered is that Mateo is the oldest at 21, making him a senior, whilst Luis is the youngest at 20, being a junior, and me, I'm 19, making me a sophomore.

My new "home", I prefer to call it a house, is cosy, a decently large house. The people on my road are very sweet, almost too sweet. Seems a little to perfect...makes me skeptical. Maybe they're all spies, been planted by the government.

I heard three knocks sharply hit my bedroom door pulling me from my thoughts, that was the code me and my father had with one another that no one knew off, not even my mum. Opening the door, he peered his head through the gap.

"Hi, love."

"Hey," I smiled at him.

"I need to talk to you about something..."

That's when panic began to set in, it was never good when parents needed to talk to you about something, never.

I did the first thing that came to my mind.

Admit everything.

"I'm sorry I slept with Mr. Hamsworth! He just looked so attractive in that doctors uniform, I know he's your co-worker but that's all we did! Nothing more," I rushed out, my fathers face contorted in many didn't expressions, settling with anger.

"You slept with Jax? This is not what I was going to talk to you about, I didn't even know of this Cecelia! I will be speaking to him tomorrow."


I looked down shamelessly. I genuinely had not meant to sleep with the man my dad had just hired, we met at a club and it was just a simple one night stand. Then I found it he worked for my father after riding his dick.

"It was only once..."

"He's thirty-four! You're nineteen, Cecelia. He's got a bloody wife for crying out loud," my dad stressed out.

My eyes widened.

A wife?

He certainly had no ring on that night and he was very persistent. I mean very persistent.

"He didn't tell me that," I admitted truthfully.

I watched my father just shake his head at me. He could never stay mad at me.

Taking a deep breath my father continued, "What I was going to say is your mother would like you to move in with her for a while. She misses you, and I have a to go on a trip for a while. You'll return back to Woodsthorne University for as long as you stay with Adele."

Opening my mouth to argue back, I thought to myself and came to the realisation I wouldn't get anywhere. Instead I nodded and accepted it.

"When do I go back?"

"Today. Start packing, we've got a three hour journey to complete." Hugo, my father, exclaimed clapping his hands together once before taking his exit.

Laying down on my bed, I remembered that I was going to see Kane again. Suddenly, returning seemed a lot better.


[noun] Amenity; the pleasantness or attractiveness of a place.

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