Chapter Fifty Seven

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The mental link meant you always had someone to talk to, and since it wasn't hampered by distance like cell phones were, you never had to worry about being out of range.

I mean if I managed to have conversations with Mal while she was in Auradon and I was on the Isle, I think we proved that the link knows no boundaries, Hadie thought as he gently tugged on the reins to keep Arthur at a trot.

"You're thinking again," Alexandria told him.

Hadie chuckled. "Sorry Alex, I'll try to stop doing that just for you."

"That's all I ask," Alexandria teased but then shook her head. "Honestly Hads, we've been friends for how long? You can tell me anything. After all, you were there for me after the whole Freddy fiasco with Chad."

"The less said about Freddy, the better," Hadie said, grinding his teeth as to avoid yelling obscenities and spooking both of their horses. It had been bad enough being sent up to Olympus like a naughty little boy being sent to his room, though Hermes had helped him see some sense.

But when Hadie found out that Freddy had gone after Alex?

Let's just say it'd been a good thing that he had a handle on his powers, otherwise Hadie might have resembled his dad after he found out that Hercules had still been alive.

But Alex had been fine, he told himself. Thanks to Chad doing something I'm sure every VK has longed to do...well maybe not Strat or Shayla or Locklyn. But everyone else for sure has fantasized about punching Freddy in the face.

"Hey..." Alexandria said gently, softly resting a hand on Hadie's shoulder. "It's okay. Freddy can't get me."

"How'd you—?"

"Your hand's clenched around that rein so tightly, I'm almost surprised it hasn't broken in two," Alexandria told him.

Hadie gave her a sheepish smile. "Sorry. I guess I...thinking about how he went after you, even after all these years just kinda boils my blood a little. I know this is going to sound cruel and all but...I hope dad's making him suffer in Tartarus."

"Only if it sounds cruel that I kinda hope the same thing," Alexandria told him.

"You do?"

Alexandria shot him a look. "He shoved my brother in a closet Hads. He kidnapped Celia to use as bait from what Mal said. Why wouldn't I want him to suffer?"

"Well I can tell you something, dad's not the fondest of Freddy even before he crashed Cotillion," Hadie said. "He probably had a list that was a mile long before Mal turned Freddy to ash."

"And now she's going to be Queen of Auradon," Alexandria said, smiling at the thought. "I'm sure she and Ben are looking forward to the 'official' wedding."

"Shh!" Hadie said though he couldn't help but chuckle. "Mal's been determined that no one say anything that implies that they're already married. The last thing she wants is for any rumors to spread around the kingdom about the potential for an early heir or some rot like that."

"Hads, who's going to eavesdrop on us out here?" Alexandria asked, gesturing to the wide open pasture. "Unless you're saying someone from The Gazelle can shape shift into a hawk or something?"

"Hey, first off I wouldn't put it past them," Hadie chuckled. "But second of all didn't you tell me once that they got their stories from people sending in photos and stuff?"

"Exactly my point Hads," Alexandria chuckled. "No one's allowed on property who's not family or our guests—and no one we invite over would sell anything to The Gazelle. That I can promise you. Now come on, I'm sure the horses are tired of staying at a trot. Let's get you up to a full gallop!"

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