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Isabella's pov:

Joey's grip on my arm gets tighter as we approach closer to the curb on the sidewalk.

"Careful Issy" Joey says calmly.
I nod as I gently step down onto the road. The light is piercing my eyes causing me to extend how long I keep my eyes shut.

I feel dizzy and exhausted. 

Turns out my mother had drugged me causing me to have a serious reaction to whatever it was in the syringe. I cant believe I didn't see it or notice right away, but to be fair on myself everything was moving to quickly that I didn't even realise.

"Issy where gonna take you back to the tour bus now" Joey says as he places a gentle kiss on my cheek.

"Do...you guys have a show tonight?" I struggle to ask.
"We where suppose to but we don't know, we might change it to tomorrow" Craig says as be sits next to me in the car.

Craig speaking is rare, but in this instance I didn't want to make a fuss of it.

"No...no..don't cancel any shows because of me, please play. I don't want to be the reason that the maggots get disappointed."

"If that's the case then you have to at least be on the side stage with the guards, just so we know your safe and okay" Mick says as he crosses his arms in the drivers seat, making his decision set in stone. 

I simply nod my head and allow myself to close my eyes as Mick turns on the engine of the car and sets off back to the tour bus. 

HEYYY, I'm sorry for taking forever to post this chapter and for it being so short :( the next one will be longer i promise <3 i hope this is okay though for all of yall, i feel as if yall deserve a chapter since its been so long 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2021 ⏰

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