Season 6/Chapter 1

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"There you go, one step at a time. You're a natural at this bud."

As soon as Bell said that, Noah staggered, falling to the right a bit, Bell caught him with ease.

"Spoke too soon." The boy smirked at her.

Lady came up underneath Noah where his missing leg was, wagging her tail happily.

Bell laughed at this. "Well look at that, looks like Lady will be your missing leg."

The boy smiled and gave the dog a pet. "Man, I can't wait till Eugene gets that prosthetic made, still, I'm lucky they had crutches here already." Noah looked to the woman. "So, they're doing a dry run today?"

"Yep, just to double check that the plan is ready for action and make sure it goes as smoothly as possible."

After the whole mess with Reg and Pete, a few more members of Alexandria had returned. They had been gone on a run far from where they were and they didn't only return with supplies but some frightening news.

Apparently there was a canyon not far from them that held thousands of walkers, there were some trucks that had been placed there to keep them in, but it wouldn't stay like that forever. Any day now, the ledge that held one of the trucks would come crashing down, leading all the dead straight for for Alexandria.

So Rick proposed a solution; move the trucks themselves and lead them away, insuring their safety. It was a risky plan but the only one they had.

"I'm surprised you're not out there with them."

Bell nodded as the two began to start walking again. "I definitely volunteered, but with so many people going already, Rick felt more comfortable with me being here with Rosita and the others. He's probably right, don't wanna leave this place vulnerable."

Suddenly, the two heard screaming, from multiple different directions. The two looked at each other in worry and confusion. Bell quickly got her swords out and the three headed toward the noise. To add to the confusion, the heard a loud crash near the entrance, following with a blaring horn outside the walls.

On their way a man was already running up to them with a sludge hammer in hand, and it was clear he wasn't one of them. He was tall and very broad, he looked dirty, clothes and face covered in dirt, but Bell really took notice of was the bloody 'W' on his forehead.

This struck a memory in her head but she couldn't remember exactly what it reminded her of, and she didn't have time to figure it out.

He gave them an evil looking grin, baring his yellow teeth at them. "Don't worry my dears, we are here to free you."

"Noah, you stay behind me." She could hear Lady growling behind her. "Lady, stay."

And with that, the man advanced toward her, aiming his hammer right for her head. She ducked out of the way and sliced at his leg, making him stagger a bit. He quickly stood up and just laughed it off. He came at her again, this time swinging for her legs. She jumped out of the way just barely, swinging at the mans neck as she did, but he too dodged it.

Before she could make a move to attack, he sprinted in full rage, tackling her to the ground. She fell back onto the pavement hard, dropping one of her swords in the process.

"Bell!" Noah screamed for the woman, he was about to make a move to try and help but Bell halted him.

"Don't Noah! Just stay there!"

The man had her pinned to the ground, he sat up a bit and lifted his hammer, aiming right for her head. Luckily she had just enough room to turn to the side a bit, the hammer smacking hard on the pavement, right where her head had been. As she had turned to dodge the attack, she took her one sword she had managed to hang on to and stuck it right into the mans left arm, making him scream out in pain and making him drop his weapon.

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