Chapter 8

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Daryl walked on the railroad along with about six other men he had come across. He didn't like them nor did he trust them. Wouldn't trust his family around them, especially Beth or Bell. But they weren't here and he was.

He had lost the girl about a day ago. Everything was fine, they had found a house full of supplies, shelter, they were gonna stay for a bit. Maybe find a map and see if they could find the group. But the house got attacked by Walkers, and Beth got taken in the chaos. He didn't know who did, all he saw was a black car drive off with a white cross on the back.

He didn't know what cruel joke the world was trying to play on him. One minute he had a good thing, and the next second he would lose it again. He knew she was alive though, and that was enough to keep him going. This group of men were temporary.

He was pulled out of his thoughts when one of the men, the leader Joe, spoke up. Seeming to read Daryl's thoughts "So what's the plan Daryl?"

"How so?" He replied.

"You're with us now, but you ain't soon?"

"Yep." Daryl replied simply.

"So what's the plan?" Joe asked again.

Daryl wasn't about to tell this man he was looking for his people or Beth. "Just looking for the right place is all."

"Oh, we ain't good enough for ya huh?" Joe asked.

"Some of you aint exactly friendly." Daryl was referring to the man, Len, he seemed to keep butting heads with. He had interfered with Daryl's hunt earlier and talked bad about Beth, and that was more than enough reason for him.

Joe chuckled. "You ain't so friendly yourself. You know you need a group out here."

"Maybe I don't."

"No, you do." Joe assured. "You should be with us." They looked up to see a lone walker approach the group. "People don't gotta be friendly. We don't have to be nice. We don't have to be brothers in arms. We just gotta follow the rules."  Joe said as one of the men killed the walker. "You claim. If you steal, you keel. I know that sounds a little funny, but nobody laughs when something goes missing. And you don't lie. Cause that's a slippery slope indeed."

Daryl looked to the man. "What happens if you break 'em?"

"You catch a beatin'." Joe replied simply. "The severity of which depends upon the offense and the general attitude of the day. But that don't happen much, cause when men like us follow rules and cooperate a little bit, well, the world becomes ours."

'Men like us.' Daryl didn't like the way that sounded. He didn't want to be like them. They were what he could've been if he hadn't met his group, the very thing Beth assured him he wasn't.

"Hey." Daryl called out to the man stopping him as the group approached a place for shelter for the day. "There ain't no us."

"You leaving right now?" Joe asked. Daryl remained silent. "No? Then it sure seems like there's an us. You a cat person Daryl? I am. Loved 'em since I was three years old. Vicious creatures. Anyway, I'll tell ya, and this is true, ain't nothin sadder than an outdoor cat that thinks he's an indoor cat."

Daryl stood there for a moment as the group entered the building. He thought about just walking off, he didn't belong with these people, it wasn't where he belonged. But maybe Joe was right, a small voice in Daryl's head was telling him that Joe was right. He shook his head and walked into the building. For now, he would stay.

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