Chapter 5

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Bell wasn't sure why she was having these memories of the prison go through her mind. Maybe it was a way to keep her motivated to find her family, or maybe it was a cruel joke. Like her mind was telling her this was the last of her happiness, replaying all of them as if she was headed for misery.

Her mind was taken out of these memories however, when she felt her body being shaken. She heard someone calling her name. "Truck, Truck get up." She opened her eyes to see Glenn above her.

The woman sat up, confused as she was now in a truck. Her head hurt a bit and her body was still a bit sore but she didn't feel as sick as she had when she left the prison.

She looked to Glenn. "What the hells going on. Where are we?"

"I don't know, we passed out on the side of the road and this truck came. Tara got us in here." He replied.

Bell looked to the woman and gave a small nod of appreciation. She was still hesitant on trusting the girl, but she did save her from a Walker and they would've probably died if she had left them on the road. Maybe she wasn't too bad after all.

"We passed a bus, the prison bus, we gotta go back." Glenn spoke again. Bell nodded and Glenn started to bang on the truck window. "Hey! Stop the truck!" Glenn yelled into the window, only to be met with a middle finger.

Bell started to bang on it as well. "Hey! Numb nuts! Stop the truck!" She was also ignored.

Glenn grabbed a gun and started smashing it into the window. "Stop the truck!" He gave it another hit, making the glass crack.

The truck finally stopped, making Bell take out her knife in case this stranger wanted to get aggressive. Once the truck stopped, Bell, Glenn, and Tara wasted no time getting out. They grabbed their bags and started to walk off. That's when Bell heard the voice.

"Bell." She stopped and turned, her knife clattered to the pavement when she saw who it was that called her.

She remembered right before she passed out she had saw someone, someone she knew, but she thought maybe she had imagined it. But there he was. Looking just like he did when she last saw him, before the world turned to shit.

"Abe? It's really you?" She asked, walking forward slightly.

He nodded with a smile. "It's me Belly."

Bell ran forward and threw her arms around the man, he wrapped his arms around her body and squeezed tight. Bell had tears in her eyes. She pulled back to look at him.

"I can't believe this. How? How is this possible? Where's Ellen?" He just shook his head slightly, sadness in his eyes. The woman's heart dropped. "A.J. and Becca?"

He shook his head again and looked down, swallowing a lump in his throat. "They didn't make it. Lost them about a few months into all this."

Bell covered her mouth with her hands. She was devastated to hear the news of her niece, nephew, and sister in law. She had cared for them deeply and she knew the toll of losing a child and what it does to you. "Oh god Abe. I'm so sorry." 

She had tears coming down her face. She hugged him again. Abe felt a sense of warmth and familiarity, he had missed this.

Glenn finally decided to speak up as he just watched from a small distance. "Sorry, how do you two know each other?" He asked looking between the two, confused.

Bell pulled back and wiped the tears from her face. "This is my brother, Abraham."

Glenn was shocked to hear this, he remembered she mentioned having a brother, but he also knew she was from Texas. That was a long journey.

The Last FlameOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora