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Alright folks, that's the end of season 3! I can't wait to get started on season 4 of this story.

I just wanna say a few things before I continue.

1.I can't believe I got 100 views! I know that's a small amount but it really means the world to me!

2.make sure y'all comment and like the story! I wanna hear what y'all think of it!

3. I've noticed a lot of small grammar things here and there, so if you see me update any of the chapters, it's just me fixing some things!

4.I'll be honest I'm not sure how I want to end this story! Obviously with the show not over yet it makes it a bit hard. I'm just gonna play it by ear at the moment.

5. Also I'm sorry there wasn't a lot of Daryl and Bell moments, I wanted to build up her relationship with Michonne and reconnect with the group. There will be more moments in the next season I promise!

Thanks so much again for reading, I hope y'all are enjoying! Let's get on to season 4!

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