Chapter 8

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A couple days later Andrea had reached back out to the group, she wanted to set up a meeting with Rick and The Governor to try and "settle their differences."

Everyone was against it initially, it was obvious to them this could just be a trap, especially Bell. After seeing what he had done to her men she didn't want them to go. But Hershel convinced them to try, if there was a possibility they could get through this with no more bloodshed then they had to try. Rick reluctantly agreed.

Bell wanted to go with them, she wasn't scared of The Governor, but Rick needed her and Glenn at the prison. Not only to handle Merle but to make sure the prison wasn't attacked while Hershel, Rick, and Daryl were gone.

Back at the prison everyone was getting ready for an attack if need be. "What we should be doing is loading up this fire power in a truck and paying a visit to The Governor." Merle spoke up to the group. "We know where he is right now."

"Are you suggesting that we just go in and kill him?" Glenn asked.

"Yeah, I am." He replied.

"We told Rick and Daryl that we'd stay put." Michonne said to the man.

"Not to mention how risky that is, we could get the others killed doing that." Bell added on.

"Well I changed my mind sweetheart." He said toward the red head. "Being on the sideline with my brother out there ain't sitting right with me."

"Bells right, a thousand things could go wrong." Glenn said as he made his way to outside.

"And they will." Merle replied.

"My dad can take care of himself." Carl spoke up, making his way outside.

"Sorry son, but your dads head could be on a pike real soon." Merle called to the boy.

Bell turned to him quickly as Carl left the room. "Don't say that to him. Better yet, don't even talk to him. I may have to put up with you being here, but I won't hesitate to take that other hand of yours." She said menacingly.

Everyone was a bit shocked at this, no one was used to this side of Bell, but they all agreed nonetheless.

Merle opened up his mouth to reply but Glenn beat him to it, not needing a fight to break out. "It's not the right move, not right now. They could get caught in the crossfire, my answer is no. And it's final."

A little while after the argument, Bell and Glenn were doing things outside to prepare. When they finished they walked back inside to see Merle packing a bag full of guns.

"Hey, you're not going." Glenn said to the man.

"I don't need permission." Merle replied, not even bothering to look at them.

"I can't let you." Glenn answered.

"You can't stop me."

Maggie spoke up next. "If you're gonna live here with us, it's gonna be on our terms." He ignored her as he grabbed the bag and headed for the door. "If Michonne and Bell can do it, why can't you?!"

Merle turned to look at the woman. "Cause that's my brother out there, that's why! What's the matter with y'all?"

He walked up the steps to the door where Glenn and Bell stood, blocking him from leaving. "Not gonna let you put them in danger." Glenn said to the man.

"Nut up here boy, this guy cops up a feel of your woman and you pussy out like this?" He asked trying to antagonize Glenn, but the man wasn't going for it.

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