Season 4/ chapter 1

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"Mornin Daryl!"

"Hey Daryl! Good morning!"

Bell walked with Daryl up to where Carol was cooking. She glanced to the man. "You sure are popular, didn't realize I was friends with a celebrity." She smirked to the man. He rolled his eyes.

"Shut up." He playfully shoved her. "You helped too ya know." Bell and Daryl had been going out hunting together, she was always a decent hunter but Daryl knew more, so it was nice to learn from someone as good as him.

She shrugged. "Yeah, but you're the better looking of us two, so you get the most attention." She said teasingly.

He just shook his head and his face got a bit red. "Whatever." He mumbled.

"Hey, I need to show y'all something." Carol said as the two reached the woman. "Patrick, can you take over?"

"Yes ma'am!" A young boy walked over and stood where Carol was, looking at Daryl with awe. "Uh, Mr.Dixon." Bell snorted at the name, Daryl just gave the woman a look. "I just wanted to thank you, for bringing that deer back yesterday. It was a real treat sir. And I'd be honored to shake your hand." He said, sticking his hand out to Daryl.

Bell and Carol glanced to each other, giving knowing looks, doing everything in their power not to laugh at the scene they were witnessing.

They watched as Daryl licked the excess food off his fingers and slapped his hand into Patrick's. The boy didn't even seem phased by the spit covered fingers. And with that, the three walked off, leaving a very star struck Patrick to his duties.

Carol took them to look in the distance toward the outer fence where Walkers swarmed the fences. "We had a big build up over night. Dozens more toward tower three. It's getting as bad as last month, they don't spread out anymore."

"More of us in here it's drawing more of them out." Daryl observed. "You get enough of those damn fence clingers, they start to herd up."

Bell shook her head. "Pushing up against the fences again. It's manageable, but unless we get ahead of it, not for long."

Daryl nodded. "We'll figure something out, come on." He said elbowing Bell in the side. "Let's go get ready to go on that run."

A small group of people gathered by a couple of cars, getting ready to head out. Bell watched as Beth and her new boyfriend, Zack, shared a moment.

Daryl gagged from next to her. "Like a damn romance novel."

The red head just chuckled. "Stop, I think it's sweet, could use more of that around here."

He didn't say anything, he just nodded and begun to load more into the truck. The two had become much closer ever since The Governor had disappeared. They went on runs together, hunted, and would even hung out in their spare time. 

Their feelings for each other had definitely deepened, but neither one had yet to actually express them out loud. They didn't find it necessary really, being in each other's company and taking things slow was what they both needed.

Suddenly Bell felt  a strong force push her, causing her to lose her balance and fall over, only to have a wet tongue attack her face.

"Oh good lord, get off ya big lug!" Bell yelled out, but couldn't help but laugh.

"Lady! Come here! Get off Bell!" Beth called out to the canine. The dog obeyed and ran towards the blonde. "Sorry Bell, I'm trying to train her not to do that but she just gets so excited when she see's ya. I guess she'll always be grateful to ya for saving her."

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