Chapter 2

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It had been about a day since Terminus and the group was still traveling, they had now made their way onto a road. 

Bell was walking, Lady on her one side and Carl on the other who had Michonne on his other side. 

"Are you a famous person?" Carl asked the red head.

"Nope. Don't start off with such broad questions, try to narrow it down first." Bell instructed the boy.

"Like this," Michonne spoke up. "Are you a person?"

"Nope." Bell replied.

Carl nodded his head. "Okay... are you a thing?"

The woman nodded, indicating for Michonne to go next. "Are you alive?"

Bell nodded slowly. "Yes and no."

"Oh I've got it! You're a Walker!" Carl answered excitedly.

Bell chuckled. "Come on Nuwanda, that would be too easy."

"Well what do you mean 'yes and no', you either are or aren't alive." Michonne replied.

"Well it depends, are you gonna eat me or not." Bell replied simply.

Carl just looked to Michonne who both shared a look. "This game sucks." Michonne stated, not liking that she couldn't figure out what Bell was.

"We could play I Spy." Bell and Michonne shared a cheeky smile. "Give up?"

"I give up." Michonne shrugged.

Carl nodded. "Me too."

Bell smiled triumphantly and went to reveal her answer when yelling from a distance stopped her and grabbed everyone's attention. 

"Help! Help, anybody! Help!"

Everyone was on alert and had their guns raised. Bell, unfortunately, didn't have her short swords anymore. Everything had been taken at Terminus and among the chaos of trying to escape, going back for them wasn't an option. 

Lucky for her though, Carol recognized her military backpack in the Terminus storage area, and grabbed her scarf from one of the people she shot dead. Their wasn't much in her bag except for some memorabilia, but it sure put a smile on her face to know she still had her pictures.

"Dad come on! Come on!" Carl urged his father, wanting to help whoever it was.

Rick looked hesitant but nodded reluctantly, heading deep into the forest, everyone following after. They came upon a man on top of a boulder, surrounded with about five Walkers. The group quickly and easily took on the dead, then looked around themselves to make sure there were no other dead ones or people.

Rick looked up to the man. "Come on down."

The man shakily made his way off the boulder. He swayed slightly, looking a bit green. Bell couldn't help but think how pathetic he looked, and upon closer inspection, she realized he was dressed as a priest.

"You okay?" Rick asked, also noticing the sickly look the man held.

The man put up a finger and turned his head to the side, letting whatever was in his stomach up and onto the ground. The group grimaced at the sight, not only at the throw up, but at how pathetic this man looked.

"Sorry." The man said as he stood up straight. "Yes. I'm okay. Thank you. I'm Gabriel."

Rick just cut straight to the point. "You got any weapons on you?"

Gabriel just chuckled a bit, when he saw that Rick was being serious he replied. "Do I look like I would have any weapons on me?"

"We don't give two short and curlies what it looks like." Abraham was quick to reply.

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