Ch12: I Never Liked Meetings

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<<Tamari's POV>>

Ugh. Why does my head hurt so much? Opening my eyes doesn't grant me any immediate answers as my vision is just a haze of white. Not to mention the constant ringing in my ears and the pain! Don't get me started on the pain! It's like every single cell in my body is eating itself all at once.


Someone or something is talking but it all just sounds like gibberish to me though whether this disorientation is due to whatever is happening to my body or the fact that my brain feels like it has been flooded by liquid, I can't say. Still, eventually, it wears off enough that I can at the very least make out various shapes. One of these shapes makes its way over to me.

"She's ... and ... needs to ... keep an ...her ..."

I try to figure out what's being said but the more I try to piece the few words I registered, the more my head hurts. Seems like I won't be going anywhere soon. A painful jab in my arm later and I black out once more.

Sometime later I awake with a start. Blasting right out of bed, I quickly find myself face down on the floor. The noise created from my fall must-have echoed past the door because someone comes rushing in shortly after.

????: Miss, you need to properly rest.

Me: My sisters, where are they?

She helps me back onto the bed before replying.

????: They are doing their final checkups but they should be released this afternoon.

Me: Afternoon? How long have I been out?

????: Only a day but I must say you had us worried. Nothing we tried seemed to work. We were considering sending for assistance from your homeland when one of your sisters awakened and informed us all you needed was food.

Me: And what of the battle?

Wales: Thanks to your intervention, we successfully protected the harbour and repelled the enemy's attack.

Wales walks into the room followed by Formidable and my two sisters. Seeing Aika back on her two feet brings a smile to my face. Whilst the Royal Navy girls step aside to talk with one another, my sisters come over to say hi.

Aika: Say, looks like we've traded positions!

Me: Haha, it's good to see you back on your feet.

Pierze: I should have stayed close to you. We shouldn't have separated.

Using my hand, I gently force her to look me in the eye. I can already see the tears building up but rather than allow them to fall, I wipe them from her eyes before replying. 

Me: Hey, this isn't your fault. I simply ran out of fuel, that's all.

Aika: Yeah, besides it's not like you didn't nearly run out yourself Pierze!

Before either of us can respond, Formidable comes over whilst Wales nods in our direction and ducks out of the room.

Formidable: Vestal here has informed us that you should be all ready in a few minutes. How are you feeling?

Me: Like I am ready to go, but the last time I thought that I got up and hit the floor so...

Vestal: Hehe, that's my bad. I gave you something for the pain. It hadn't worn off yet when you tried to get up.

Me: That's fine. Thanks for the help. Vestal, correct?

Vestal: Yep!

Me: Well, I am Tamari and it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance.

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