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<<Victorious' POV>> (Royal Navy)

It's been a few days since we've set sail for Pacifica. It's been relatively smooth sailing so far. The girls have been remarkably nice to me for the most part and I've gotten to know more about them and their culture. From what I've learnt, whilst they have a Queen as we do, their lady and maid system is completely different. For starters, there aren't, currently, any recognized maids. Instead, there's the Queen's Guard, three of which are currently travelling with us. I wonder how strong they are.

Next up, their lady system mainly comprises of the older girls, the majority of which makes up the sisters of the Queen but they aren't always introduced or referred to as such. From what I gather, she actually has two additional sisters which remained behind in Pacifica. Still, all signs point to them having a much smaller fleet than that of the Royal Navy's, at most half our size but that's assuming I don't come across a much larger force when I arrive. 

Beside me, a head pops up from underwater.

Merla: We're nearing the coast Ms Victorious. 

Me: Thank you, Merla. Do I need to follow a certain protocol when crossing into Pacifican territory?

Merla: Not really. As you are with the fleet I doubt you'll come under any danger but I'd have to ask to make sure. 

Me: Ah, I see. Thank you.

Merla: Anytime!

With that, she disappears underneath the waves. I've always wondered what it was like to be a submarine. Not that I mind being a carrier but the thought of simply being able to stay hidden until you're ready to strike really appeals to me. Especially after the constant attacks we've been seeing of late. I'd just sneak up to the Sakura's port and bomb it. 

Jizelle: What's got you smiling like that? 

Me: Oh, nothing. Just caught in my thought that's all. 

Jizelle: Well, as we're entering soon I must ask whether you'd be looking to have them start on your upgrades immediately or wait until another time. 

Me: Does it really matter right now? 

Jizelle: Yeah, because the choice will change where you go once you enter the harbour. 

Me: I see, well I suppose we might as well get the work over with as quickly as possible, no? 

Jizelle: Alright, I'll tell them.

She heads off to rejoin the others she was travelling with. Looking around, I must admit I feel slightly out of place. Apart from being technologically inferior to the ships around me, I'm also practically speaking, a social outcast. 


Ducking, I cover my head as I look up but notice no one's really reacting the way I do. A few seconds later, I find out why as two more aircraft boom overhead at seemingly impossible speeds. 


Another squadron rips overhead. As more planes approach, I notice the girls all start separating and moving into a formation I've never seen before. 

Luna: It looks like they're doing tests girls! Prepare for re-entry! 

As soon as the last word leaves her mouth the girls at the front of the formation blast off. It should be impossible for a ship to move that quickly but I soon find out why as I too blast off. In the distance, to my right, I see stationery ships being attacked by planes like the ones that flew overhead mere moments prior. From where I am, I can only assume it's a practice session or something because the girls with me make no effort to move to assist. In fact, the majority seem to ignore it entirely. 

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