Chapter 11| Trouble in Paradise

Start from the beginning

Ralsei: N-no, w-why did K-Kris shout a-at me?

Harold: It might have been because you weren't listening to them.

Ralsei: I-I know but, I-I was o-only defending t-them.

Noelle: It's ok Ralsei, I know you were, but they didn't want that.

Ralsei: B-but... why d-didn't you guys think.

Noelle: Ralsei, not everyone can be expected to remember everything that happens here.

Ralsei: B-but... it was something important.

Harold: Right, we are getting no where. Ralsei I have something to show you whether you like it or not.

Harold summoned something from his staff and showed Ralsei.

Ralsei: W-what is it?

Harold: Well if you come here you'll see.

Ralsei got up and walked over to Harold and seen what he was showing him.

Harold: You see that? that's... your... emotions. Notice how they are all blue, do you know what emotion is related to blue?

Ralsei: Sadness...

Harold: Yes, an everything in your body is blue, even your... soul.

Ralsei: But why are you showing me this? I know i'm sad.

Harold: Well if you look closer, you will be able to see a different colour.

Ralsei: Yellow?

Harold: Do you know what emotion is related with yellow?

Ralsei: Happiness, but I don't feel happy.

Harold: I know but your soul does and in the centre it's the reason why it's happy.

Ralsei: What is it? I can't see it.

Harold: It's... Kris.

Ralsei: Kris?

Harold: Yes, it's Kris. Your friend, your boyfriend, your soul... is still happy. Do you know why? Because it's think about every good moment you two have had together that's why it's not sad, because happiness always overpowers sadness as without happiness there isn't sadness, one can't live with out the other. So why don't you listen to your soul and let it control your feelings. Let's go Noelle, let's give him time to think about it, alone.

Noelle: Oh ok, hope you think about the right this Ralsei, come over to us when your done.

Noelle and Harold walk over to the others and they could see Kris is happy laughing at those stupid jokes Berdly and Susie were saying.

Harold: (Not one ounce of sadness or anger, it's amazing how happiness can change someone)

Noelle: It's nice to see you laughing Kris!

Kris: Yeah, those jokes were really stupid. Where is Ralsei?

Harold: We gave him time to think things over hopefully he comes back happier.

Kris: I hope so too.

Harold: Disappointment? that's new one.

Kris: What?

Harold: Just a second ago you were happy without an ounce of sadness or anger. It can show you how happiness can change someone.

Kris: So is happiness the strongest emotion?

Harold: Yes it is, Nothing can overpower it, not even anger.

Kris: Wow, you seem to know a lot about emotions. Maybe you're the prince of emotions.

Paradise (Deltarune) (KrisxRalsei)Where stories live. Discover now