Lorenzo started walking up the steps and I followed after him, admiring the beauty of the jet. When we got inside I saw all my brothers sitting down in their seats, ready fo go. I smiled and plopped myself down next to Matteo.

"Does this thing have movies?" I asked pointing at the medium sized tablet looking television that was hooked into the back of the seat in front of me.

Matteo looked at was I was pointing at and he nodded. "Yes just look up whatever movie or show you want." He said and I nodded my head, leaning back into the seat.

I grabbed my neck pillow and slipped it behind me and around me neck.

Suddenly I heard some shuffling and I looked down to see that Koda had awoken. I smiled and bent down, opening the cage door and grabbing him.

His tail wagged and he barked, licking at my face. I giggled and set him down on my lap where my blanket was it. Koda instantly curled up in a ball and nuzzled his snout into my thigh.

I stroked his soft fur, running my fingers through any knot that may have tangled up his fur.

Soon I felt the jet move and descend from the runway at an insane speed. I gulped nervously and opened up the covering of the window.

I peaked through the window, looking at the land below me get smaller and smaller in matter of seconds. I stopped looking and turned my attention back onto the tablet. I decided to watch the show Stranger Things. I've never heard of it until now but it looked interesting.

"I'm hungry where's the food!" I heard Gio announced out and staff immediately got to work on handing out snacks.

My stomach rumbled at the delicious smell that was emitting from the cart the flight attendant pulled around.

She stopped at me and smiled. "Would you like anything?" She asked me kindly and I nodded.

"C..Can I have hot chocolate and a warm chocolate chip cookie?" I said as it came out sounding like a question. I put down the menu and she quickly poured hot chocolate into a insulated cup with a few marshmallows on top. She handed me the drink and also grabbed a cookie from the cart also handing it over to me.

I gave her a soft smile "thank you." I hummed and she walked away from our side.

I started taking small sips of the steaming hot drink. It made me feel warm inside, the heat relaxing my body.

I inhaled deeply and placed the cup down. I decided to dip my cookie into the drink to see if it tasted good. I moaned at the taste of the warm cookie with hot chocolate soaked into it. The cookie tasted like heaven and I continued dipping my cookie.

Matteo looked at what I was doing and he laughed. "You enjoying that cookie?" He asked me and I smiled sheepishly, looking away from him.

13 hours on an airplane was going to be the death of me. I had slept from 7 am to 11 am however we still had about 8 hours to go.

I groaned looked down at Koda who seemed like he needed to go to the bathroom, good thing there was a large bathroom I could place some pee pads down and then throw them into the bathroom.

I slowly got up from my seat, picking up Koda and heading down the aisle to the bathroom door. Most of my brothers were knocked out cold in their seats, some of their mouths were open. I giggled and walked into the bathroom to set up the pads.

I placed Koda down on the floor and unwrapped two potty pads for him. He instantly walked over and did his business.

Once he was done I folded them up and threw them in the trashcan before heading back out to my seat. Koda seemed antsy since he was stuck in a jet, nowhere to run or play. I sighed and sat down with him on my lap. "Don't worry buddy we'll get there soon." I whispered and patted his head.


It was a struggle to keep myself occupied the whole time. I watched about 3 movies and soon I became tired again. So to pass time I took a quick nap to refresh myself.

You're nothing but a stupid bitch, we should just kill you now but that wouldn't be fun.

I..I didn't do anything though


My throat was grasped tightly in his strong hands and I gasped for air. My first turned red and black spots filled my vision.

I woke up gasping for air, my heart was racing and I broke out into a cold sweat. Another memory...I sighed and saw that Matteo was looking at me with a worried look.

"Another nightmare?" He asked gently. I nodded and looked away. I must have forgotten to take my medicine to subdue the painful memories.

Hopefully for the rest of the flight I'm not brought back with the memories that threaten me still.

1524 words

(Hope you guys enjoy, I was pretty busy last night with homework for multiple classes but I promise I'll write more)

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