Chapter 5

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(A/n so sorry for not posting lately I had to catch up on some school work and forgot about this story.)

I woke up and quickly got ready for school. I didn't want to be late so after getting ready I quickly ran down the stairs to see my mom serving my sister some pancakes. I quickly made a piece of toast then ran out the door. After getting outside I saw Tommy standing outside my house, Tubbo making his way over to him. Tommy waved towards me and started walking to meet me in the middle.

"Hey! How are you today Y/n?" Tommy asked.

"I'm doing fine. How about you Toms?" I asked, nudging him in the arm then making my towards the school.

"I am doing great. By the way, do you think you would have the time today to come over? I wanted to show you that thing today, then we can hang out at my place." Tommy said, walking along side me on the sidewalk. Tubbo started off with us.

"I think I should have some free time today." I said.

"Good, I think you're going to like it." Tommy said, making Tubbo laugh behind us.

"So, how have you been Tubs?" I asked, turning my body to face him while walking backwards. Quickly turning back around though because I didn't want to run into something or someone.

"I've been doing so well, I upgraded my PC." Tubbo said. I was able to hear the smile in his voice.

"I did too!" Tommy said butting into our conversation. 

"That's cool you two." I said. We were now able to see the school in our sight.

"What have you been doing lately, Y/n?" Tubbo asked me.

"Oh just, some stuff." I said. I had a surprise that I wanted to show the two.

"What kind of 'stuff'?" Tommy asked, now more intrigued on mine and Tubbo's conversation.

"Just stuff okay? I don't want to spoil it." I said. We got to the gate of our school and walked in. 

"I'll see you two at lunch!" Tubbo said, making his way towards his class.

"Bye Tubs!" I yelled out to him.

"Bye Tubbo!" Tommy yelled out after me.

"Come on, we don't want to be marked absent." I said, grabbing Tommy's wrist and dragging him towards the only class we had together.

TS (Time Skip)

After a few classes, I met Tommy and Tubbo by our regular table.

"Hey guys!" I said, waving towards them a bit.

"Hey Y/n!" They said back to me in sync. I sat in-between Tubbo and Tommy at the table. As I was eating my wings started to get a bit uncomfortable.

"Tommy, can you move over a bit?" I asked him while turning to look over at him.

"Ya, sure." Tommy said back, moving over so I had more space for my wings.

"Thanks, Toms." I said, giving him a quick smile then turning back towards my food. I felt pain in my right wing, making me turn around to see that group of girls. I saw a feather in the main girls hand.

"Oh, sorry, I thought I saw something on your wing. My bad, guess it was nothing." The girl said, having an evil smile towards me.

"I don't get what I did to you to make you hate me so much." I said, turning back around and flapping my wings to get her away. It worked.

"Eh!" The girl said, spitting out feathers from her mouth. "You existed that's what you did."

"Well it wasn't my choice." I said, quickly taking a bite from my food.

"Leave this school, no-one likes you anyways." One of the other girls said to me.

"No, you group just don't like me." I said, taking other bite of my school lunch.

"Whatever, let's go girls." The main girl said while walking away with her group. 

After lunch we went back to our classes, saying a quick goodbye to Tommy and Tubbo.


After school I walked out of my last class exhausted. While walking out the gate I heard my named being called. I turned around to see Tommy and Tubbo waving at me while running towards me.

"Wait up!" Tommy yelled while catching up to me. Tubbo catching up to me as well.

"Sorry." I said, continuing my walk to my house.

"So when do you have the time to come hang with me?" Tommy asked, walking up to my side.

"I should have time maybe 2 to 3 hours after school. I have to do a few chores." I said, my pace of walking slowly getting slower.

"Okay, good to know when your off. When you finish your stuff at home come over to my house." Tommy said looking at me. I nodded, being to tired to speak.


After saying bye to Tubbo a few minutes ago and bye to Tommy a few seconds ago, I walked into my house to see my mother sitting on the couch.

"Clean the restroom, the kitchen, dust the shelves, and clean your sister's room." My mum said, not even looking at me while talking to me.  

"Sure." I said while dropping my bag at the door and taking off my shoes. I walked up the stairs and into my room. I plugged my phone in and went to the upstairs restroom. I started cleaning it when my sister came in.

"I'm hungry and mum said you have to make me food." She said, I could tell she was crossing her arms over her chest just by the tone of her voice.

"Let me finish." I said while finishing up my cleaning.

"No! I'm hungry and I want food now!" She said, stomping her feet on the ground.

"Okay." I said. I finished my cleaning right after then walked into the kitchen. "What do you want to eat?"

"I want grilled cheese." She said walking out of the kitchen. "Make the inside colored rainbow!"

"Okay." I said, starting on the grilled cheese.


After 2 and a half hours of chores, I finished. I slipped on a pair of socks from my closet. After, I walked over towards the shoe rack by the door. As I was walking I saw my mum, still sitting on the couch. Once she noticed me putting on my shoes she paused her show and looked over at me.

"Where do you think your going?" She asked sternly.

"To a friends house." I said standing up and looking at her.

"No you are not." She said.

"And why not?" I asked.

"Because you have things to do." She said while un-pausing her show.

"I did my chores so I'm taking a break." I said about to leave.

"Of course you 'did your chores'." She said, doing air quotes. "God you are lazy."

"Ya, I'm lazy. You made me do all the chores while you just sat there watching T.V." I said, turning the door handle and walking out, closing the door on the way out. I heard her yell at me but I kept walking over towards Tommy's house. I knocked on the door and I heard a voice call out, then I heard footsteps coming towards the door.  The door opened to reveal Tommy. Once he saw me he smiled at me and let me in.


After getting in Tommy's room and having a little chat with him how things went at home, I started getting tired. Me and Tommy were sitting up on his bed and talking. I was getting even more tired by the second so I laid my head down on Tommy's lap and closed my eyes. I heard Tommy let out a quite chuckle then start playing with my hair. I was about to fall asleep, but sat up before I fell asleep. Tommy looked at me confused than I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him down onto the bed. I wrapped my wings around his body along with my arms. He laughed again then continued playing with my hair. I started getting so tired to the point I couldn't even keep my eyes open. I fell asleep very quickly after.


Hi! Again sorry for not posting. Anyways word count: 1382

A Bit Different || Tommyinnit x ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang