Chapter 11

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Hellooooo, I would just like to say that last chapter at the beginning I said I might not have the motivation- I didn't mean it I meant that as in I update slowly. Sorry if I confused anyone 😅.

As the last bell rang I speed walked toward the gate, wanting to get home already. Once I got outside I saw Tubbo, Tommy, and Dawn sitting on our usual bench and I made my way towards them.

"Ayup, N/n! How was today?" Tommy asked while standing up from the bench to stand in front of me and hug me before pulling back and smiling.

"Hello! Today was good actually! I met a new friend, I think. If they see me as their friend anyways. How was your day today Toms?" I ask Tommy, cocking my head to the side and letting a slight small play on my lips.

"That's cool! And my day was pretty good, not to far on my grades!" Tommy let out a laugh, "What's your friend's name?"

"That's good, keep them grades up Tommy! It'll help you get a good job," I nudge Tommy in the shoulder, "And his name is Joshua but he said I could call him Josh."

"Who needs a good job when I just be a twitch streamer?" Tommy asked, "And that is such a plain name, lame."

"Tommy!" I yell at him but let a laugh slip out, we both started laughing for a bit until Dawn and Tubbo walked up.

"So N/n, do you have any plans for the song?" Tubbo asked as he smiled and hugged me a hello.

"I do actually! And I have an idea for the name!" I said happily, remembering the idea I had thought of last night.

"Oh cool! Should we come over to your place then?" Tubbo asked, flashing a quick glance at Dawn and back to me with a soft smile.

"Sure! My parents shouldn't be home till 12 this morning. And as for my sister she's at a friends for the night." I said then looked at Tommy, "Do you want to come chill with us while we work?"

"Sure, sounds fun! What are you working on again?" Tommy replied and nudged my shoulder before walking ahead towards my place.

"Really? How did you forget already? I told you this morning." I rolled my eyes, catching his pace and walked next to him, Tubbo and Dawn not to far behind us.

Tubbo's pov:

"How much you wanna bet that they'll start dating by the end of next year?" Dawn asked beside me, nudging my shoulder with a slight chuckle.

"Well, based on how blind boys can be, this might go on for a while before they both catch on." I laughed slightly, I mean, it was true, men can be very slow to pick up on feelings. Not that they always are but, you never know

"True, but hey, you still wanna make that bet?" Dawn asked.

"So you just want to lose then?" I asked with a slight smirk on my face and a small chuckle.

"Hey you never know~. Let's just do it for funnzies then. If you win I'll give you 20 pounds and if I win you give me 20 pounds?" Dawn suggested.

"Alright, fine deal." I said, giving in. Dawn better get ready to lose because there is no way they start dating by the end of next year. I've known them for a while and they can be both pretty smart and dumb at the same time.

Y/n's pov:

Once we got to my house we walked up to the porch and up the small amount of steps to the front door. I reached into my bag and pulled out my keys, quickly unlocking the door and letting my friends in before closing it again, making sure it's locked behind us.

We each took our shoes off by the front door and our coats before heading up the stairs with our bags, heading towards my room. Once I opened the door to my bedroom Tommy was quick to run in and claim the bed, sprawling out on the bed while we all let out a laugh.

"Hey! You can't claim my bed! It's mine!" I scolded him jokingly, he then looked me in the eyes, doing puppy dog eyes. "Hey! No! Don't make that faceeee."

Even if I told him to stop, he didn't. What did I expect, I sighed and just gave in. Tommy cheered slightly and started laughing as he had his victory moment.

After that we all talked for a little while before starting our work. Which was the reason we were here in the first place and yet it took us this long to start on it, this is going to be one long project...

(Hehe, you won't know what they're doing until they turn in the project, L)

We were working on the project for a while before we looked at the time.

"Hey guys, we've been working on this project for a while and I still want time to relax before my parents get home, do you mind just coming back tomorrow to work on it again?" I said to them after looking at the time, it was currently 10 at night and I wanted don't time to just relax before my parents got home, which sucks, I wish I had longer to work with my friends.

"No not at all, well, it was fun to hang out with you guys. Make sure to tell us what time we should come over!" Dawn said, she grabbed her things and hugged a quick goodbye before leaving.

I looked over at Tommy and Tubbo for a second before getting an idea.

"Hey guys, do you want to hang out? Just the three of us for a little before you go? It felt like forever since the last time the three of us just hung out." I mentioned to them, sitting down in my bed beside Tommy, Tubbo sitting in a chair in front of me and Tommy.

"I would love to but my parents are probably worried about me. Maybe we can make plans when we are all free to hang out?" Tubbo said, getting out of his chair and stretching slightly before looking back at the two of us with his head tilted slightly.

"Sure! We should totally do that, I miss just us hanging out, but sadly I also have to go, my mum said I needed to be home by 11 and it's 10:47 right now." Tommy said, also getting up. I stood up with them, a half jokingly frown on my face as I looked at the two.

"Aww, okay, well I hope you two get home safe! And tomorrow I'll be sure to talk to you guys about our hang out plans." I replied, giving them two a quick hug and showing them out the door of my room, us now walking to the front door.

"Okay, well good bye you two! I'll see you tomorrow at school right?" Tubbo said

"Yup," I replied, giving a soft smile in which he returned.

"You know it." Tommy answered as he hit Tubbo's shoulder slightly with a smile on his face.

Tubbo smiled and gave both me and Tommy one last hug before he gave us a quick wave as he made his way out the door. I then looked over at Tommy as he began to speak.

"Thanks for inviting me over, even if you were just doing school work." Tommy said while rolling his eyes playfully at me. I laughed slightly and gave him a small punch on the shoulder.

"Hey, at least I invited you at all! I could have just left you at the school, all alone with no friends to hang out with." I replied, rolling my eyes slightly while a small smile played on my lips.

"And I thank you for that. Anyways, I'll be on my way now! Hope you sleep well!" Tommy smiled at me as he walked out, waving his hand slightly at me as he left with a sweet smile on his face. I waved back and watched him as he turned left on the sidewalk towards his house.

I smiled slightly as I closed the door, locking it quickly before turning on my heal and walking back towards my bedroom. Once I got ready to sleep I turned off the lights and laid in bed, slowly drifting off with a small smile plastered on my face before I went to sleep.

Hey! I hope you're enjoying this book so far! Sorry I don't update a lot, writing a book is kinda new to me still and it gets pretty tiring, lmao. Anyways, bye bye.

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