Chapter 25: The Confession. 😬

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Our whole journey was quite, I couldn't fall asleep the whole night so I happened to sleep in the car. "Samreen.. Wake up.." Adam called, I was a deep sleeper but only when I was comfortable and, on bed. "We are here back in Lahore now." He said. I rubbed my eyes and yawned, before looking out the window.

"Shit! Drop me at the restaurant. Turn around. Hurry!!" Adam immediately made a U-turn. I didn't want anyone seeing us together the guards might report to Aunty or Sohail. Adam dropped me at the restaurant. Even though I was too tired to work. I still spent my whole day there.

By the time I was free, it was 4pm in the clock. At around 5pm, Sohail was outside my restaurant to pick me up. He must've texted me but since my phone was stolen I xouldnt reply. He was just here without asking me, like yesterday and it was really kind of him. I gathered up the courage to walk out of the restaurant and face him.

I walked out of the main door, walked a few steps down the stairs and opened the door to his car in utter silence and awkwardness. "Asalamualaikum," I greeted just as I sat down and closed the door. The car was filled with his cologne, my eyes lifted up to him and bore into his chocolate brown eyes. A small smile radiated from his face and I just felt shameful and dishonest. I felt like I was betraying him.

"WalaikumaSalam Samreen." Sohail said in a gentle tone. His behavior was tearing me apart, my lies were too big to be told and I couldn't risk to lose the smile he had on his face. "I kept on texting and calling you but your phone is still power off." Sohail said.

I closed my eyes and opened them as I took a deep breath. More lies.. "I broke my phone, it fell." I said.

"You have this fetish with ruining phones.. you dropped one in the sink full of water, and now this.. its twice in almost two weeks." Sohail laughed at my clumsiness but I couldn't even force a smile. I was made of lies. Sohail immediately thought I was upset over something so he looked at me for a brief moment and sighed. "What happened?" He asked.

"Umm.. it's nothing." I played dumb. He shook his head and slowed down the car as he parked it somewhere and stared at me for a moment. "You've got dark circles on your eyes, you look super exhausted and stressed. Is it because of the phone, cause if it is I'll buy you a new one. You don't need to waste your tears on such stupid thing." He said and grabbed my hand that was on my thigh. My head was down in shame but upon his touch my eyes lifted up and filled with tears.

I was the worst wife a man like him could ever deserve. "I'm sorry!" I broke into sobs, he reached out to me and wrapped me up his huge warm arms as I weeped on his chest, he drew small circles on my back but was hesitant when mistakenly he almost unhooked my bra. He pulled back and smiled at me.

"Sshhh... don't cry." He cooed. "So what makes you happy the most?" He asked, I thought over that for a moment and couldn't help but think more.

"I don't know, what makes you happy?" I asked back.

"I like it when you're comfortable around me, when we talk and chat like a happy couple, when you blush at stupid things I say, when you're all hesitant and nervous around me. I'm happy when you're happy." I blushed again, and my cheeks turned red in shame. I couldn't tell him the truth and ruin this moment.

"Alright, let's go home." I giggled, Sohail smirked and reversed the car a little, he turned right and took his turn towards home. Our ride was comforting and silent, he parked the car, I stepped out. He also stepped out and threw the car keys at the driver for a catch, the driver caught them. We both walked in together.

"Let's have coffee together." Sohail said and with a wink he walked upstairs. I walked in the kitchen, asked the maid to fill two cups of coffee for us.

She was already making coffee for Uncle and Aunty, I stole their portion of tea and asked the maid to make another for them. With two mugs in tray, I hurried upstairs and like always walked straight into the balcony. "Hot, hot coffee." I announced and placed the tray on the round table and sat down on my chair.

"Yeah thanks." He said and grabbed his mug. "Oh yeah, I wanted to tell you something yesterday." He started. "The agency I contacted located Rania. She was staying at her friend's place. I knew that friend so I went over to her place and had a talk with her." Sohail said, my eyes lifted up in amusement.

"Oh, what did she say then?" I asked.

"She said, I was too eager to get married. I should've postponed the wedding." Sohail laughed in a sarcastic way but I stiffed. What if Rania wanted him to get back together again? Sohail was married to me now.

"She's crazy!" I added.

"She said she was too scared and now she couldn't stand to see me with someone else." Sohail was speaking so casually like it was not a big deal. It was a big deal for me. I was a liar and once Sohail finds out that I'm lying to go out with Adam he will leave me and get back with her.

"So.. what did you say?" I asked.

"I told her I'm married because she left me at the alter. She shouldn't have if she didn't want me to get married to someone and now anything can't be undone. What's done is done now?" Sohail answered.

"Do you regret it?" I asked him, wanting to know how he felt at the moment.

"No, why should I? She didn't love me enough, if she did then she wouldn't have left me without an explanation. Though she said she left me a letter but I didn't happen to read it." Sohail shrugged. "The situation was already too stressful, Dad wouldn't stop blaming me. I was already heart broken by Rania's actions." Sohail opened up a little more.

I nodded. "She must be upset." I realised.

"Upset? Oh no no she was a wreck. Crying and refusing to the reasons I gave her. She just wanted to get back together even if I am married." Sohail explained, I had long forgotten my mug of coffee. It must be cold as ice tea now. Sohail was almost done with his so after his last sip he kept the mug aside and stood. "Relax! I'm not going to ditch you." He patted my head and walked out side the balcony.

What if Rania convinces him and he agrees to everything she demands. He had been in love with her, he might still be. I walked out of the room and spotted Sohail praying Maghrib on the prayer mat, I walked into the bathroom made my wudu and came out to pray on the same prayer mat when he was done with his. I asked Allah for forgiveness of my deeds and prayed for evil Rania to stay away from my husband.

Just as turned for Salam, Aunty Laila walked inside our room with a knock on the door. I immediately folded the prayer mat and got up to greet her. "Asalamualaikum Aunty!"

"WalaikumaSalam.. so this old lady walked up the stairs to greet her daughter in law and now she gets to call her Aunty.." She said, I nodded and accepted my mistake.

"I'm sorry" I walked closer and wrapped my arms around her.

"I don't see you often even when we live in the same house. Is that why I wanted a daughter in law?" She asked. I felt shameful, Sohail was also watching us both but didn't say a word so I was suppose to answer it all by myself.

"I had some work at the restaurant, and I went of to my home since I was late." I reasoned. She smiled at me, I smiled back.

"It's okay, I just came here to meet you and tell you that we are going shopping tomorrow." The fake smile I had plastered on my face from the past ten minutes, widened. Off course I loved shopping but only with Mahreen, Mom and Ahmed. I missed my old days but this didn't sound bad either. May be I'll buy Aunty something in return so she might try to make more space for me in her heart.

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