New School and Mom's New BF

Start from the beginning

Y/N: I like the room. Nice small and cosy
*After unpacking the stuff*
I was really tired after a long and busy day and was lying on my bed then I heard a knock on the door.
Y/N:come in
Maid: Miss y/n madam Kang is calling you for dinner.
Y/N:tell her that I am coming.
With that I went to the dinning room and started eating dinner. As you know we are not a perfect family we so we eat quietly without talking cause if we talk we argue, so it's best to keep our mouth zipped up. But to my shock my so called mom started to talk to me
Mom: y/n I know you wanted to choose your school by yourself but we didn't had much time so I chose it by myself and for once trust me u won't have no problem there. Here is the file of the things you will need on the first day.
Y/N:Fine, moreover it doesn't matter to which school I go.
With that I went to my room did my night routine wore my pj and went to sleep.
*Time Skip*
*Next Day*
*Beep Beep * *Beep Beep*
Y/n: oh just shut up u stupid alarm ⏰ I'm all awake. Aarrgg I really hate to get up early aahhh.
After throwing all the tantrums I went to my washroom did my morning routine and went to do my breakfast and to go to school.

I'm not a great fan of makeup so I went without doing any. I quickly finished my breakfast and ran to bus stop to catch a bus to school. Although we have a hell lot of cars I don't like to go by them.
*After reaching the school *
I am kinda excited after seeing the school building. It's architecture is really nice and unique for a school.

I went inside the school and everybody started looking at me and whispering.
Boy1:Hey, look a new girl. She looks kinda hot.
Boy2:ha really dude she is really pretty.
Girl5: Just another slut who will drool over our Oppas.
I started getting irritated by their stupid talks and went on my way to find Principals office. After a few minutes I found the Office and knocked on the door.
?? :come in
Y/n : Good morning Sir I'm new student Kang y/n.
?? : Good morning Miss Kang I'm your principal.
Y/n: Nice to meet you sir
I wished him again and bowed at him.
Principal: Looks like you are well mannered along with being good at studies and other activities.
Y/n: ....
Principal : I looked at your previous school report card you are a brilliant student, I hope you continue that here as well.
Y/n : Don't worry sir I won't disappoint you.
Principal: Good, Here is your schedule and your locker keys. A student is waiting outside to show you your class, good luck.
I thanked the principal and bowed at him. Then I went outside and saw a girl waiting for me.
?? :Hey you must be the new girl. What is your name?
Y/n: My name's Y/N, Kang Y/N. And yours?
?? :Lalisa Manoban. You can call me Lisa.
Y/n: Hi Lisa
Lisa: Show me your schedule.
Nice we have almost same classes come on let's go to your locker then to class

Then we went to our class after talking my things from the locker. Lisa went to her usual seat and I waited at the entrance for the HT (Home room teacher) to come.
After some time teacher came and signalled me to come inside with him.
HT: Class attention.... Here, we have a new student, Miss please introduce yourself.
Y/N: Hii everyone, My name is Kang Y/N. Hope we will be good friends in the future.
HT: Now go and sit with Miss Lisa. Lisa raise-
Before the teacher could say anything I went to Lisa and sat with her.
*Time skip*
*Lunch Time*
Lisa: Come on Y/N let's go to Cafeteria together I'll introduce you to my friends as well.
She seems really nice and cheerful just like my old friends so I agreed to go with her.
Y/n: Come on let's go.

****At Cafeteria****

isa: Let's take our food tray and sit at a bench my friends are not here yet.

Y/n: Ok let's go. This cafeteria is huge, bigger than the cafeteria at my old school in US or Busan.
Lisa: Yeah and this is my favourite place in whole school.
Y/n: Yeah I could sense that by your excitement in the class.

Just like that we were talking and 5 mins later three girls came to our seat.
?? :Who's this Lisa?
??2:New student?
??3:Your new Friend?
Lisa: Woah Woah guys calm down. She is new girl we are in same class and now my friend.
Y/n: Hii guys I'm Kang Y/n.This is my first day at school.
?? :Hii I'm Jennie.
??2:Hey I'm Rose
?? 3:Hey I'm Jisoo
Blackpink(except Lisa) :Hope we can be good friends.
Y/n : Me too.

*Time Skip after 2 days*
I am doing really well these days in school. Blackpink and me we have become really close in these 2 days. Also all the teachers are really impressed by me in the school. At home it's peace as mom goes to office before I go to school and comes home late. And trust me I like it better that way but today to my disappointment as soon as I entered home I heard mom shouting from the living room.
Mom:y/n come to living room I want to tell something to you.
Although I didn't wanted to hear what she wants to say but then too I went to the living room.

*At living room*

entered the living room and as soon as mom saw me she became really nervous. I was confused what she wanted to tell me that she is so nervous and moreover it's not like she cares about what I think.

Y/n: Mom please speak whatever you want to speak I have a lot of homework to do.
Mom: Ihabofrnd
Y/n:huh...Didn't catch that.
Mom: I have a boyfriend.

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