Chapter 23

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Today is the night when they attack. It was currently seven in the morning, Dream looking at the sleeping brunette. He has awoken up thirty minutes ago, softly rubbing his hands on George's hair.

He once again thought about the possibilities on what's going to happen today. He thought about Minx's warning. What could it mean? Should he tell George about it?

Dream sighs, wondering if everyone is ready for tonight. He felt the brunette stir in his arms. George started rubbing his eyes, looking up to the smiling blonde. "Good morning."

Dream chuckles, "Good morning sleepy head."

"What time is it?" George asked while yawning.

"Pass seven." Dream stated, as George jolts up, murmuring a curse to himself. Dream laughs at the comment, "Someone slept late." He teased.

The brunette scoffed, rolling his eyes to the blonde, "It's not my fault someone was warm."

Dream smirks, "Ohh so it's my fault baby?" The brunette blushed, and nods. "Hehe, come here George." Dream got up, hugging the brunette's small frame from behind. He would be lying if he says he didn't enjoy this moment. George leaned in for a kiss, and Dream gladly complies, kissing the smaller back.

"We should go, today's the day." George announces.

"So I'm going?" Dream asked, earning a nod from the brunette.

He smiled, knowing that George trusts him. "It'll be okay, I promise." He murmurs unto George's ears. "I love you."

"I love you too." The brunette replies, "But please be careful."

"I will." Dream reassures, giving the smaller another kiss, before both of them got up from the bed, George went out first to change back to his quarters.

Dream watched as the brunette disappeared from his sight. Smiling at the reveal of each other's feelings, and the sweet kiss then shared.

He quickly went to prepare, showering for a bit and changing into his black suit. He looked at himself in the mirror, seeing how he's changed over these past months, he looked more professional rather than a someone who was making coffee and serving on people back at the cafe.

Dream saw himself in the mirror, a sudden vision went up his mind. He saw himself lying infront of a sobbing George, looking over behind to see a lifeless body of Quackity. The blonde flinched at the thought, shaking his head as he looked once again to himself in the mirror.

What the hell was that. Could that be real? Was that what Minx is trying to say? Should he have just chosen this path to stay, Or to go?  Dream was now in a slight panic, but how could he have seen that vision.

He rubbed his hands to his forehead, trying not to get that thought into him too much, as he walked outside the bathroom, outside his room and walking downstairs to meet the others.


As Dream walked into the meeting room, Skeppy and Bad was already there, setting up the big screen up front for their presentation.

Dream went to greet Ranboo at the corner, "Good morning bud."

"Morning, you're at least thirty-five minutes late." Ranboo replied.

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